Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wine thoughts

This will be short and sweet, I promise.

Let me say you'll know. (and some day I may divulge all, but for now)
In life, we all make decisions that we HAVE to make.

No questions. No changing your mind.

Some decisions are brought about due to morals, goals and past or fore knowledge of a situation.
Either way, we choose and decide upon things that cannot ever change again.

Once that decision is made, there is no going back. Period.

The sad part of all this is..
...when you are faced or presented with what you gave away for what you made a decision to keep.
It's still out of reach, and always will be.......................and it hurts more then you will ever know.

Till it happens to you.

The Crone of decisions


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!