Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I came in here for what?

You know, I don't know if this is just a sign of aging or if it's truly part of the 'croning stage' of life. So let's talk about ..brain fog. Matter of fact, I've got an even better term for it.
Currently I'm reading "Harry Potter And the Half Blood Prince (6)" and something that Luna says in the book hits me as the perfect description of the 'croning brain fog'

Here is the quote:
Spoken by Luna to Harry after he seems to come out of a wistful state:
"Wrackspurt got you?"  (harry looks at her confused)
"Wrackspurt...They're invisible. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy."

THAT'S IT!! That's exactly what I feel like some days..sometimes all day!
I can't speak the right words, they won't come. I mean simple words that I used yesterday (or an hour before)..POOF! they're gone. Words like...........DRYER! Instead of saying DRYER..I say "you know that thing you put your clothes in after you wash them!" I end up standing there feeling and looking like an absolute idiot that has lost her marbles! (ohgawdhowembarrasing)

(Sad part is..I sometimes wonder if I AM loosing my marbles!)

This is just ONE example of a Wrackspurt. The others are the times I find myself standing in the 'hereafter'. Yep, walk into a room to get or do something and then just stand there, looking totally lost and wondering what I was here after! That's when I realize, I've hit the invisible 'hereafter' wall. I'm clueless and cannot remember.
Clueless do you hear me!

Then there are just those times where you CAN'T do anything. You want to start something, you go to do it, get sidetracked, never start what you wanted and end up getting sidetracked so many times just trying to get back to where you started, it finally dawns on you that you've spent 4 hours wondering around like a stoner on a constant high!

(don't ask me how I know that mmk?)

Someone explain this to me ..WHY is it that because I'm losing 'hormones' my brain doesn't work anymore? Since WHEN did my ovaries have anything to do with brain function?

I mean, I'm starting to feel like...well, let me put it to you this way. All of us women have said it more then once in our life, that a man's penis is where their brain lies and they usually think with that first.
Well, dayum..(in some twisted sort of fashion) I'm starting to wonder if the same thing must be true of women too!

Brainfog, Wrackspurt..or just plain old aging I know why my mother always sounded a bit 'off her rocker'.............PFFT!

The Crone of Wrackspurts galore


Haggie said...

OMG I can so identify with that feeling. I keep hearing my mom saying 'use or lose it' and it's sooo true. CRS SUCKS and only gets worse as we get older.

Suzanne said...

I am truly disturbed about the thinking with our ovaries comment! It's a little too close to home. I prefer the wrackspurt theory! It's the wrackspurt's fault!

Sage said...

LOL to both of you! I tell some's bad, then some days it's worse. I'm still trying to figure it out but the wrackspurts keep invading!

They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!