Monday, August 8, 2011

It's all a blur! know I'm a Harry Potter fan. These books were paramount to my daughters learning..seriously, I kid you not. Here's why.

My daughter was not a big reader, matter of fact she didn't care for it at all, totally the opposite of me who found a love of books at a very early age.

(I so wanted her to be a reader.) 
For many years I had heard much ado about these Harry Potter books and I refused to be part of the hoopla. Wouldn't buy them. 
That was until I decided to homeschool my daughter. When we began, I was determined she was going to gain a love of reading. So I chose the Potter books and crossed my fingers.

I ordered the first 4 and made a deal with her. We would read out loud..I would read a chapter, then she would read a chapter and so on and so on. She staggered a bit at first, but we motored through,
one chapter at a time.  

These books grabbed her. I don't know what it was about them, but they grabbed me too. By the time we had finished the first book her reading had improved 100% and she couldn't wait to start book 2.
Two days later book 2 was finished and I had only read a few chapters of it, she read most of it to me.

And so the story goes...another reader was born..

So ..magical hats off to Harry Potter, his story made a reader out of her and I am grateful.
She can't wait to read them to her own children. They aren't ready for them yet, but when they are..I KNOW they'll share them together.
One chapter at a time!

Now the sad part.
I did not finish all the Potter series  
(I know..bad of me huh?)
And my daughter has been nagging me to finish reading the last few books of the Potter series
(she had years ago, but I had not)
Since the last movie is out, she demanded that I read the books before seeing the movies. So, on one of my many trips to the thrift store, I just happened to fall across the last 3 Harry Potter books.

(in hard back in excellent condition for $0.99 each, I couldn't resist)

So you guessed it, since I'm anxious to see the last 3 movies
(that's right..jeer at me..I had not seen Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince yet)
Over the last 6 days I have read the last two books of the Potter series,  both large books mind you.

I've read constantly. And my eyes know it.

(right now, I'm blind..going on faith as I type!)

Something about hitting the Crone state of life and your eyes just do NOT work like they used to. I don't have a problem seeing the words or letters, I have a problem with my eyes getting too tired to look at the words and letters for too long. 

(The pages were blurring before my eyes like I was a bottle of wine down! WTH?)

I'd wipe my eyes, and try to open them further with my fingers, nothing would work!

(I was starting to think I needed glasses like Professor Trelawny)

I ended up reading for a few hours then go do something else for about an hour and then go back to the book.

(I did give my eyes a break between books, I bought and watched the 6th movie!)

So for almost a week now, the world has been fluffy and fuzzy to me. And I have to tell you, sometimes it's a good thing!

The Crone of the Fuzzy World,


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!