As I sit and enjoy a glass of wine after dinner,
(something I've done for two nights in a row now!)
I ponder over what the last two days of my life have revealed to me. They have revealed to me how 'taking' I was. Taking not as in 'I was doing the taking'..but instead I was the one 'taking it'.
(sad to say, but it's true)
First I must explain what happened when Dementor learned I had secured a job. Remember, he already knew I wanted a divorce, and was searching for a job. From that time ..till the day he found out I had a job, he was his normal, aggravating, hard core, meanass self. Not talking to me, sullen and grumpy as all get out. Hateful.
The day he discovered I had a job, was the day that his world took a turn, and my eyes were opened.
A story for you:
When she told him she had a job, ..the look on his face changed from surprise, to panic, to worry, to a 'knowing' and then to dollar signs within a matter of seconds. He nervously ran his fingers through his hair as he thought things through. What was really going on in his head was...
surprise; she can get a job!
panic; ohmygawd, she may be serious about this 'divorce' thing!
worry; now what do I do?? She's found me out.
knowing; I know..I'll go back to being Mr. Wonderful and she'll fall right back into place!
dollar signs; if she's making money then I can spend mine on ME and the things I want!
On that fateful day, he tried his best to cajole her into reconsidering. His voice softened, a smile came across his face and his countenance was lifted. He tried to make her see reason and not once, did he raise his voice. He tried to show her the error of her ways. The only words she spoke to him were 'too little, too late'. At this point, he retreated to his chamber to recoup and rethink his strategy.
The war was on.
And yes, that's what it is..a war of wit, a war of 'dementor against Mr. Wonderful'..a war to win the damsel back again. She had somehow seen through that veil he wore as Mr. Wonderful and saw that he really was a Dementor..he had to change that..he had to put the veil back on. He underestimated her. He thought she'd take his shit for the rest of her life. She only lasted a few years.
So with great determination the next morning he rose with a sunny disposition and a smile on his face. He was pleasant and congenial, jovial and helpful. He was all the things he once was, he was Mr. Wonderful once again..he was ..on the hunt. He had devised a that she would fall for without second thought. A plan that was as devilish as he was. He had resurrected Mr. Wonderful for the duration of her infernal rebellion. He would be her knight in shinning armor once again. She WOULD see the error of her ways and she would be his whipping post once again. He was determined. She was not near as smart as he was, because deep down, he was conniving and devious and much better at these games then she. Oh yes.
The weekend was ahead, he had three days to sweep her back off her feet and he would give it his all. Three days of bliss with Mr. Wonderful and she would be weak in the knees, she would be all but begging to make amends. He would be her everything.
Unfortunately for him, he had underestimated his opponent. She saw straight through the veil, it was as transparent as mosquito netting. Yes, the war was on, and she was the lead General, with a battery of soldiered reasons and knowing behind her. This war she would win. His actions were a joke to her hardened heart and quick mind. He was a sham, something to laugh about. His attempts were the chaotic antics akin to a court jester of King Arthur. Antics that she smiled at as she sipped her wine and laughed deeply inside herself ..watching him play the fool.
For two days she watched, all the while knowing the game he was playing at. He really wasn't very good at it. Did he not know she could see right through his feeble attempt at pretending? Was he truly that inept? Apparently, he was, as day three brought the same Mr. Wonderful emerging from his chambers, smiles from ear to ear and a tone warm enough to melt butter. He was laying it on thick, pretending to be all she ever wanted and dreamed of. Pretending to be the man she married 5 years ago.
Oh! what a joke he was, she thought as she smiled and sipped her wine. She listened to the pseudo silken voice that contained not one ounce of the malice it used to hold as she watched his fake smiling face. She gave no indication that she knew the farce, she let him play on. He gifted her throughout the day with his humor and kindness, being the perfect gentleman all the while hoping she might warm to him tricks. Try as he might, she gave not an inch but simply parried back, time and time again cutting him below the knees.
The weekend was almost over and his time to twist her back into shape was nearing an end. He must work fast.
She knew any minute now the little underhanded, devious worming would begin.
It was just before dinner that he made his fatal mistake as they were discussing issues with expenditures. Finally he blurted out, "well, if it's going to be cheaper for the both of us to keep things together even though we may be you know..not quite together, maybe we should just leave it that way?"
There it was, she knew. As she picked up her glass and drew it to her mouth, taking a long slow sip of the contents within, she smiled broadly and said "I don't think so".
BOOM again. Parry and Block.
He was foiled! It was not over...he knew! He demanded it of himself! He would have to try harder. Maybe..just maybe he'd pretend to be 'sick'. Yeah, that was the ticket. Next week, I'll be sick..I'll get her to see ..Just you wait.
(will he be sick?? Or will Dementor hold off on the sickness till the bitter end, using it as a last ditch effort?)
Join us next time on..............
"The Evil Dementor and his Pseudo Twin Mr. Wonderful"
The Crone of Parries and Blocks
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