Monday, January 9, 2012

A Year of Learning..DO IT!

Well how was everyone's weekend? Has the New Year lived up to it's expectations for you thus far?

We ( and dementor) were out and about yesterday and noticed, gas is on the rise again. It's in the headlines this morning, over the last three weeks, it has taken about a $0.12 hike...the first increase since mid October. And speaking of news..
(much to my ignorance..for I did not know this)
APPARENTLY many laws were passed and signed into 'the books' on New Years Eve by our president. I think the Dementor mentioned over 40,000 new laws were passed. 
(I could be wrong on that number)
And one of five mentioned 'he signed most of our rights away'..........I find this all very hinky. I look at the news a lot, read a lot of it, keep up with the current events as best as I can, and for some reason I knew nothing about this. I mentioned this to Dementor last night and he too said they really kept it on the hush hush, many people didn't know about it and even more then that don't REALLY know what was written in those laws passed.
Now I know many of you may 'pooh pooh' me on this one, but hey..I can write whatever I want to here..right?
But..this is 2012. Unlike many, I don't believe the world is coming to an end. I think mother nature is much smarter then to commit suicide. HOWEVER..I do believe this is a year of reckoning. Whether it's US government, world powers, or mother natures wrath..(or all of the above) ..something has got to give.

With all that said, here are a few predictions (dealing primarily in US) I have for the year..just call me 'the prophet' for now mmmk? LOLOL
(PS hardly any of these predictions could not be 'figured' by anyone who does keep their eye on the to speak)
Ohh and NONE are good. Today, I'm the evil witch and I don't do good, so don't call me Glenda!

Let's deal with Mother Nature first:

  1. There will be an earthquake on the east coast that rocks much harder then the last..actually I see possibly two. 
  2. And another mid US. From Tennessee down and over. 
  3. Super storms, unpredicted and unavoidable will pop up in several places causing major damage. (flooding rains, tornadoes, etc)
  4. You will see another mass of dead via the sea. Something will wash ashore somewhere in mass, dead. (look for it to be a larger species)
  5. And as unfortunate as it is..I do feel a 'super flu' or captain tripps (or some sort of 'BUG) is on it's way as well. Not sure when, this may come before we realize it.....and I keep feeling early summer. So you figure it out. 
  6. Our heat will be tremendous (as if we didn't know this!) but it will lead to a problem of electric production. (Shortage)..which will lead to #7 on the next list.

Government and the way we live.

  1. I look for coffee, sugar and chocolate to take a huge hike in price due to a shortage. (stock up now)
  2. A 'ban' on cigarettes will be mentioned and possibly even rallied to make them illegal.
  3. Gas will take a huge hike by ohhh I say June, just before the good crop season starts which will lead to
  4. A jump in all grocery prices due to high fuel costs. (specifically fresh fruits and veggies)
  5. in general will be an issue somehow..someway. I'm not sure, I can't put my finger on it, but FOOD will become an issue. (the government is somehow involved in this....because the saying "control the food and you control the people" keeps coming to mind..don't ask me just is)
  6. With the demands and bans the government is going to try to enforce, I think we may see some uprising. Civil war as such. Small bands at first, but that may well start the ball rolling. Military law may be implemented at some point nearing the end of the year. (not in all areas necessarily, but in some)
  7. Many many years ago, when gas was an issue, you were only allowed to get gas according to what your tag read..even and odd kinda thing. I see this happening with electric. You will only be allowed so much wattage per month (come the summer) and will be required to keep your thermostats set in the upper range due to power outages and shortage in electrical output. (this all due to our extensive heat). If you go over yout allotted wattage, you will pay dearly for it.
  8. Internet Censorship will make headlines this year. I don't know if anything will happen about it, but it will be an issue.

Ok..that's all I've got right now. (I may add more later as I see it) It's enough I think. Or at least enough to get you to thinking. Yes, I do believe 2012 to be the 'year of changes' if you will. I don't believe all those many different cultures could have come up with that date hairy kairy for nothing. What will culminate on Dec 21? Who knows..maybe nothing, or maybe a great light show in the night sky. As far as any earth changes as a whole..I look for that to begin in October...on or about the 28th. What exactly?..have no clue.

Well, I've done my duty for today. Are you a prepper? Maybe you should consider it at least on a small now while it's cheap, cuz something tells me come mid summer, nothing is going to be cheap.

The best thing you can do is prep your brain. Learn all you can about everything. How to do this, and that, who's in charge of what and what do they stand for? Who controls this and that? What are your state regulations on various things? One thing no one can take away from you is your power to reason, think and create for yourself. it!
Make this the year of learning.

The Crone of Obvious Predictions


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!