Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's play Possum!

I woke early this morning, made my coffee and ran the obligatory bathroom trip. I pulled out my cards, lit my candle, poured my first cup of java and sat down to commence with learning what this new year may bring to me. Just what were the cards going to tell me of my future, my upcoming life. Where will it go, what will I do and how should I go about it.

First, I drew an Animal Totem card, the animal attitude and actions I need to keep with me for this year. What animal would I need to be most like and remember in my everyday situations?

It was the Opossum;
Meaning: Use strategy in some present situation, rely on your instincts. If you have to pretend to be apathetic or unafraid, DO IT! If you refuse to struggle or show that hurtful words bother you, your taunter will see no further fun in the game. Victory is sweet when the strategy is one of mental as well as physical prowess. Expect the unexpected and be clever in achieving your victory. Use your brain, your sense of drama and surprise to leap over some barrier to your progress.

(Well well, how enlightening..I MUST remember this when dealing with Dementor)

Then I pulled one card of the Celtic Oracle deck and a one card from the Sacred Pathways cards. ( for each 3 months of the year, hence..8 cards) I did one from each deck in order to see how well they combined together to say the same things or different things.

Jan.- March;
CO: The White Roebuck.
Meaning: Spiritual impulses are acting now. Your affairs are about to be affected by totally unpredictable and undefinable influences. Through this, your problems and constraints will be resolved in a completely unforseen manner. On a deeper spiritual level, aspects long hidden within will find release.
SP: Stone People:
Meaning: New understanding coming your way..a knowing will be revealed. It may change the way in which you view your life.

(ok..can easily be used together..wonder what is coming..unforeseen and!)

April - June:
CO: The Weaving Sisters:
Meaning: Powerful influences are at work. Forces of your past life and destiny are coming into play bringing changes you cannot avoid. Be prepared to accept the inevitable. Your Spiritual understanding will soon be transformed allowing you to see the patterns affecting your life. Being in tune with these forces makes you master of your own fate.
SP: East Shield;
Meaning; A need for clarity a time of illumination when things will begin to fit together. Marks a time of new freedoms that comes from wiping the mud from your eyes and seeing with the eye of the eagle. Clear the blinders by summoning courage and taking flight. (as the eagle). 

(surely can go together..I guess between April and June, I'll 'see' things in a more clear light.)

July - Sept.
CO: The Birch Tree:
Meaning: Not much is happening now but changes are gradually coming. Unseen forces of growth and change are at work. A new phase of activity will come soon. Great things will come from small beginnings, bringing well being and prosperity. Take care in the early stages to avoid problems. Clear away so that new events can take their course.
SP: Pipe
Meaning: Honor the blessings given by great mystery. Honor who you are and why you are here. Make peace with yourself.

(this appears to be a time of reflection and clearing away. From the previous card to these, makes me think something really important or big is going to be happening prior to this)

Oct. - Dec.
CO: Queen of the East:
Meaning: (may represent a young women important in your life) New opportunities are dawning. Vitality is increasing. The fertile possibilities of your life are opening up. The changes coming now are positive, bringing growing prosperity and well being. You can effectively repel unwanted influences. Through this, a new unfolding experience and awareness will take place.
SP: Talking Stick;
Meaning: You are not allowing yourself any options or are becoming too stuck on one idea. Listen to the opportunities talking stick says are coming your way. You are being given an opportunity to grow through an alternative route, use this gift now.

(well..every time I do this I get surprised how two different sets of cards, drawn totally separate from each other can say so much of the very same thing...enlightening don't you think?)

Now, just so you'll know..for shits and giggles, I pulled two cards, not for me, but for Dementor. Only two.
They were not good, especially when combined together. They were both from the Celtic Oracle cards.
One was "The Weaving Sisters", the second was "The Daughter of the Bones"

The Weaving Sisters were pulled in my cards as well..and they mean:
Powerful influences are at work. Forces of your past life and destiny are coming into play bringing changes you cannot avoid. Be prepared to accept the inevitable. Your Spiritual understanding will soon be transformed allowing you to see the patterns affecting your life. Being in tune with these forces makes you master of your own fate.

The Daughter of the Bones means: Your old way of life is breaking down. This is uncomfortable and frightening. Harsh realities of life are becoming obvious. You will get deep new insights by coming through this difficult time.

Now, just so you'll know.
The Daughter of the Bones is the fearsome goddess that rules the underworld. She is the terrible mother of death who crushes human skulls like acorns, but she is also the goddess of rebirth. She hunches over the cauldron of life and death. Her token animal is the raven, an emblem of death.  She is the reminder that without death, there can be no birth. From every ending point, comes a new beginning.
The Weaving Sisters are three aspects of Goddess of Destiny, spinning the web of human fate and life. One sister represents the past or what has been (the one who spins), one represents current or the now (the one who weaves) and one the future, what is coming (the one who cuts the thread). Together they weave the web of life called 'Web of Wyrd. It is spun, woven, then cut and destroyed for each life.

To pull both of these cards together............well, I'll let you interpret it in whatever way you wish.

Share you thoughts on the cards for the year!


The Crone of Playing Possum


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!