Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flags and sore fingers

Good Morning Sister Crones!!

Well, today is day three at my new job. Yep, have obtained a job and I work for Atilla the hun in drag! I swear.

I'm sewing flags..yep, flags. It's similar to the sweat shops you see on the movies, but not quite as bad.
It's ok so far, really. I joke when I say it's a sweat shop, it's not like that honestly. But, I do not joke when I tell you I work for Atilla the hun. She's a german women and is very very harsh and brash. Everyone in the plant calls her 'the bitch'...I just say Atilla!

My fingers are sore, typing hurts. It's not a job for the weak at heart especially when dealing with Atilla, but it's a job. I did find out overtime will be available to me soon, and I'll probably do a day or two a month, we'll see how that goes, but the extra money will come in ubber handy!

On the home front, Dementor is still wearing the veil of Mr. Wonderful. He has switched to night shift and leaves out about 45 minutes after I get home in the evenings, and gets home in the morning about 10 minutes before I leave. It's almost like I'm living alone..and I'm LOVING IT!

Here's what 'Mr. Wonderful has done in the last two days: Yesterday when he came home from work, he came inside, asked me for my keys and went outside to start my car for me (to heat it up, and defrost the windows) was 28 degrees. sweet huh?

When I got home from work last night, he had bacon made so that I could have a BLT for dinner if I chose to do so . sweet huh?

He cleaned house yesterday, he vacuumed, picked up and did his own dishes (minus the pan he used to make grits in yesterday still had grits in it for my dinner if I wanted it). sweet huh?

The first thing he asked me yesterday when I walked in the door "Well, how was your day today?"  ..He never bothered to ask me that before.  Matter of fact, he very rarely ever bothered to talk to me, and well all I can say is for the last 5 days, I can't get him to shut up! sweet huh?

It's amazing the transformation I tell you!  Simply amazing!
(be it known..I can still see through the 'pseudo mr nice')
Ok, enough of Mr.'s almost sickening I tell you..sickening.

Now, onto 'weatherizing my house' for my own sake and the electric bill!

I did get all the bulbs changed to the new 'energy saver' type. I got the plastic roll to put over the windows in the far end of the house. I'll probably get to that this Friday or over the weekend. I also acquired power strips for all the 'electronics' and will be hooking those up this weekend. I'm not sure how well that's going to go over for Dementor, cuz he'll have to 'cut them on and off during the day'..but quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass..he's not going to like having to take that 'extra step' just to watch TV or wait for the computer to boot up! TOO BAD!

But..alas, Sista''s time for me to hit the shower and prepare for another day at the Sweat Shop with Atilla, so I must run. Everyone..take care and remember..

Life is what you make it, so you might as well make it fun and worth living!
(I'm doing my best to remember this!)

The Crone of Sore Fingers


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!