It's not fun to dream in argument. That's what I did last night...argued in my sleep.Sounds odd doesn't it?
I woke up..irritated and confused. In my dreams I was arguing with everyone. People were TRYING to make me mad..everyone was 'at me', it seemed. Now ..I wonder why that was? Seriously, why would I dream I was arguing with everyone? Why was I dreaming everyone was being an ass to me? Could it have something to do with the chaos in my life? The new job? The boss at the new job? The Dementor? I'm sure all of these things play a role in the dream of arguments. I didn't like it.
Dementor was Mr. Wonderful again yesterday, matter of fact, he has been all week and weekend, until last night. He wasn't as pleasant as he had been. He seemed sullen and ..pissy. We didn't really speak so I didn't have to endure his 'pissyness' too much, but for hours he sat at the computer just plinking away. What he was doing I know not, but it seemed that took his mood from 'decent' to.......cranky.
Now, this probably did nothing to help those dreams of course, but since we spoke so little to each other last night, I'm doubtful that weighed in too much on my dreams.
I want to chat about men today. Not 'mine' in particular, but men in general. I've done a post like this once before, but the phrase "fartability' in my last post brought it to my attention again.
I think it comes from the fact that I have discovered, I really really do not like the male species. I just don't. Now, does this have to do with age? Cronism? Menopause? or just the fact that all men have somehow 'fucked with me', in one way or another? Maybe all of the above.
Either way, I truly dislike men. Men are disgusting animals
(I can't call men pigs, it would disrespect the pig)
I want you to think about this for a moment. Go to youtube and look up 'lighting' farts. I bet you dollars to doughnuts all the videos you find of the idiots lighting their farts are MALE!
WHY in the world do they find this humorous? I don't get it. What is in their little brain that takes them to that level of childish antics? That level of disgust?
On the topic of 'farts' they talk about "hang time" and judge people on their ability to fart and have the odor stick around! They think it's great to 'fart' loud and to fart smelly ass clouds of nose burning gas. They will 'let one rip' and laugh maniacally because they 'dropped' it right in front of you before you walked through it! They take great pleasure in this!! WHY?? Is this all they can amount to..'fart bombs'??
Let's stick with body functions for just a moment more. Gross I know,'s part of a mans make up I swear. They will go to the bathroom, sit there for the duration while they lower the boom on the toilet. I've known a few who can plug a toilet up..and think it's great. WTH? They emerge from the bathroom bragging on the size of it..or the longevity of it or the odor, telling you 'steer clear of the bathroom unless you want to know what they had for dinner the night before. WHY?? Braggin on 'shit' takes the disgust of men to a new level.
Why do men eat till they are about to burst..then fall back and brag on how "stuffed' they are and then comment about what they are going to deposit in
the toilet later. Does their brain only function on such a base level
that their entire thought process is about body functions or sex??
They'll do the same when they blow their nose! Gawd forbid they blow their nose and it's a 'big' one, cuz they'll SHOW you! Yep. they'll make it a point to hold out the tissue (if you are lucky enough to have one who will even use a tissue) open it up and show you the snot..WHAT possesses men to do this? WHY do they assume we want to see this..and why do they get their jollies off on it?? I just don't understand this concept! And of course, then you have those that will simply plug up one side of their nose with a finger lean forward just a tad and blow the other nostril out like Old Faithful in HOPES of getting it to 'go the distance'...'let's see how far I can make this booger fly' the mentality they have!!! I will never understand this competitiveness with body functions. I just won't. Nasty.
Men will do everything in their power to make you think they have a big dick. WHY? Why do they think we have to have a big one? Matter of fact, why do they think we have to have one at all? Have women perpetuated this horrible horrible thought in their head? Men will do whatever it takes so you can 'SEE" it too? Why do I want to see the one eyed worm?? I DON'T! I've never been one for pornography..seriously. I do not find a willy of any size all that attractive! It certainly doesn't make me swoon or get weak in the knees like most men do when they see an ass walking by! And speaking of ass..what is with men and their desire to 'go in' somewhere that only 'stuff comes out of'...............WTH? Ass sex..not my cup of tea, but boy howdy, men seem to love it! I cannot understand why anyone would want to put their dick up someones poopshoot! Who thought of this shit?? (no pun intended)
Boobs..can someone explain to me why men have such a fascination with titties? What purpose do they serve? I reality, they feed babies, that's all they are for. Milk producing bubbles of nourishment..that's it. Since when did men think they were for them...that the breast was a toy for them to play with?? What made this happen? I don't get it. I just fail to understand the concept of that type of....desire. And the bigger the better in their minds. WHY? Just ..why?
All of life for them is a competition. A competition against their own species. Male and Female. They compete with men, and assume they are smarter then the female. Always. They assume they must be the stronger, wiser and more knowledgeable of anyone else around them, especially if it's female. Yes, we may have crawled out of some primordial sludge at some point, but I think men only crawled so far..leaving way too much 'sludge' in their make up. I'm sure of it.
Their life is based on how big they can shit, how smelly they can fart, how many women they can lay and who they can beat at any sport on the planet. (and that includes 'brain' sports) Have you ever really really thought about men this way?
Well do. Start today....and then simply start watching.
They will smooth talk a women on the outside, but the only reason behind it is to get on her inside. PERIOD. Then once they have her, they will treat her like they treat everything else in life..a joke..a 'let's see how far I can get with this one' attitude. The competition is on. They think of nothing else. They are for the most part, crude, rude and socially unacceptable forms of human flesh.
I've watched..become a watcher of people and you will discover more then you may want to know.
Men are a piece of unfinished work..they need lots more work. It's that simple. Men need to finish crawling out of the sludge and women need to stop catering to them until they do. Period.
I think I hate men.
Take this post for what it is worth. You don't have to agree with it or take it too seriously, that is up to you. But all in all, you will have to admit, the things I wrote about above..are true. Men..DO drop fart bombs and think it's funny, men DO comment and brag on the size and smell of their shit, men DO want to fuck up the ass, men DO play with tits like they are toys (in which they are not) men do blow snot from their nose and not always into a tissue and men do let their lives be lead around by the one eyed worm. Show me one who hasn't done some or all of the above items, and I'll show you a gay man....and I've only skimmed the surface.
I didn't EVEN mention ball scratching, finger sniffing, belching, lying, beer guzzling, cat calling, ass leering, snoring, sleeping, fist fighting, notch bragging, butt rutting or testosterone toting just to name a few!
Yeah...Men need to crawl back into the sludge and cook a little longer..they were not ready to emerge.
The Crone of Sludge Brewing
1 comment:
Well alrighty then!!! HOL LEE CHIT
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