Saturday, August 6, 2011

Floating memories and cramps

I've struggled all day with what I should post about.
I've thought about posting about wrackspurts, because my brain has been 'fuzzy' all day.
I've considered posting about how cruel mother nature can be because I have cramps and 'aunt flo' hasn't visited me in over 4 months. (thank the gods)

(So WHY in the hell do I have cramps??)

I've even considered posting about my Dementors 'negative' attitude for the past two days..

(He woke up in one of those 'everything is negative moods', where during an hours rant I hear about the bad shows on TV, and what's wrong with the cartoons we used to watch?, children today are spoiled brats.. and what's wrong with kids today is parents gave control to the powers that be, the government is in our face too much..controlling everything..and when I was raising my kids..blah blah blah..and when we were young blah blah blah etc, etc, etc. It was an Archie Bunker Day)

Most days I ignore it (like I did today) and say nothing because I don't always agree with him, and when I don't agree (and voice it)..he argues.
(it's like no one else can have an opinion that differs from his!)
It's not worth my breath, so I just stare at the TV or the book I'm reading, or get up and start working on something..anything doesnt matter!
And ignore.
It's easier.
Lately I've taken to really pisses him off, but hey..he shuts up faster!
(and I giggle)

But even today I did not get as much pleasure in ignoring and humming and pissing off the Dementor.

See..I'm not fond of today.
August 6th is not a good day for me.
Three years ago today my nephew was shot and killed while on duty. He was a police officer for our county. He and I were very close, he taught me how to 'DJ', we were roommates for over a year, we did everything together for that year and many years before.
I repeat, we were very close. And today is not a good day for me.

So I sit here with the wrackspurts floating in and out, the memories floating in and out, the tears coming out occasionally and realize, today is just not a good day for me.
We all have them.
And it's ok.

The Crone of Floating Memories


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!