Monday, August 15, 2011

A temporary piece of heaven

I am a creature of habit, I think we all are to a degree.
For many years I had certain things I did on certain days and always started my day early.
When Dementor started his current job it was for third shift. I had to adjust. It's been almost a year and I never fully adjusted.
(I know this because in the past year my house has degraded a bit in it's 'cleanness'. This doesn't mean I have a nasty's just not QUITE the way I used to keep it.) 

The one thing I have adjusted to is sleeping alone. I LOVE being in my bed without Dementor.

I just don't like having anyone around while I work.

When he's home (for whatever reason) it seems nothing works right and nothing gets accomplished. He has disturbed my 'force'..and fucked with my chi
(even when dementor is sleeping it messes with my chi!)

Maybe it's the type of person I am or maybe it's because........

I don't have to work around him; or talk to him and disturb my train of thought.
(meaning: having to tell him to get OUT of the way!)
I don't have to stop and answer questions like: Where's the toilet paper?
(You're kidding me right?)
I don't have to 'go get something' because he can't find it.
(How long have you lived here? ..really!)
I don't have to hear 'when or whats for dinner'?
(maybe nothing if you keep hanging around!)

It's like this great lump in the chair asking stupid questions or making comments at the tv for gawds sake.
When he does this I think he's talking to me, so I stop what I'm doing and go and ask "What did you say?"

(I have to do this because Dementor mumbles badly and speaks VERY low to boot...DRIVES ME INSANE!)

When I get there, I hear..."oh I was talking to the tv"
(and you expected it to answer you?)

ARGHHHH! Now I have to go back and start all over again with what I was doing!

For a while there, I thought I was loosing my hearing because of these little scenarios, but at other times, I could hear things before the dogs WTF?
(At least it was confirmed by someone else (1of 5) that "you're not loosing your hearing..he does talk like he's got marbles in his mouth and not loud enough for you to hear's not you!)

I was relieved

We've been married since 2007..and he STILL doesn't know where shit goes in the kitchen.
(or anywhere else for that matter!) 
Every once in a great while he'll put dishes away. Here's how it plays out.
(On the days when I'm not here or outside where he can't ask me anything) he's putting dishes away...if he doesn't know where something goes (a bowl for gawds sake), he simply sits it on the counter. He does this with everything he is clueless about. (and trust me, it's a lot)
He creates a pile of "I don't know where they go" dishes!
He doesn't look to see if he can find any others like it to place with it ohhh nooo! He just sits them on the counter for ME to put away.
(tell is this helping me?)
On the days that I am in the house and busy, he'll call me to the kitchen to ask "Where does this go?"
(ARGHHHH! is this helping me!)
And the really sad part's usually the same item over and over again.
(WHAT? Do you have a hole in your head where this information leaks out?)

Sometimes, I wish he just wouldn't try. His 'help' usually ends up creating double work for me in the long run.

Today however, he's on a semi regular shift. He left this morning at 4:30..and I slept in. I feel a little behind, but that's ok..I've got all week! :)
There is no dementor lump in the chair to work around.
There is no one asking me questions.
There is no one making comments and yelling at the tv.
There is no one doubling my work load.
This is heaven.

I am SUCH a crone!

The Crone of I know where it all goes

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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!