When evening came at the end of the first day, we went outside and called the spirits to watch over her and her home, and to banish any old haunts that might be hanging around..inside, outside and internally.
The best part about it all was..we had such fun doing it.
It made me wonder, what if a group of people (your close friends) bombarded your home once a year, to kabitz, deep clean, eat and spread blessings all around..how would you feel?...and the next month everyone went to another in the group, and another..
Something makes me think this was the way it was ...once upon a time. A true 'clan'..by birth or choice, but a clan nonetheless. I think, even though I've never 'had' that type of 'clan' family, my soul misses it.
Something like I read once in the book "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel .. "the clan had the memories of their ancestors". I wonder, if we miss something we never had ..is it our 'clan memories'?
Something to ponder.
And now..the newest work saga:
Here it is, Wednesday and so far, I've made it through 3 more days at work.
I'll be going back tomorrow too.
With my fingers crossed.
And a major wish spell on my lips.
Just like I've done all week.
See..Atilla didn't come to work on Monday..or Tuesday....or today.
So tomorrow I'll hope for the same thing.
We were told yesterday she wouldn't be back until Wednesday..and we were told today she wouldn't be back till Thursday so there is always hope that she won't be back till Friday..or better yet, MONDAY!
Then my week will be decent.
We've been busy as all hell this week, trust me! I've gotten more accomplished this week then in the previous few weeks simply because 'she' wasn't there to goad, snarl, snicker or ride me like hell!
She was so busy riding me all last week, I had to check my ass for saddle sores!
(I swear, I found two!)
And now..the continuing marriage drama:
I'm not saying much at this point except this. Due to circumstances that I cannot control at this point..(read: Financial instability, no available jobs and simple insanity) Dementor and I are giving this marriage another shot.
He has agreed to
- see a doctor about his problems and possible depression.
- two 'date nights' a month (for now) where we have fun spending time with each other (out or not)
- one project/hobby for fun that we can do together
- and one project 'the house' that we work on as a couple with ultimate goals in mind.
I have agreed to
- keep a job (whether full or part time) and no..this was not a requirement of his..but of MINE
Not right now, but I'm trying to not make them a part of the future either.
Will I ever be off my guard about 'him' and his ways? Probably not.
I will say this, we've already had one date night and by gawd, we had a blast! I took him bowling and out to dinner. I beat him bowling (2 to 1) and dinner included a table on the patio while we listened to live music for 2 hours. We really really had a good time.
It's only a start but..at least it's a start.
And finally the menopausal part of life.
I swear to you, I think I hate my body.
Let me remind you..For over two years I've suffered the 'symptoms' of menopause. ALL of them to a degree. Even going without a monthly cycle for 8 months. Then..I swear my body betrayed me and boom, the cycle started back again. I've had it again for 5 months. During those 5 months, the menopausal symptoms decreased. Hey..I was kinda happy about this.
THEN..my body betrayed me once again...and I've been 2 months without a cycle. And for these last two months, ohmygawd the power surges are back with a vengeance!
I think to all the world that I'm going to start melting, and one of two things will happen..they'll find nothing but a puddle at my work station and think that I've simply walked out and quit my job and left them with a mess to clean or that the hubs will come home one morning and find something similar in the bed and think I've run off with another man leaving a mess for him to clean up. Yep..I swear, I feel like I'm melting..from the inside out!
The hot flashes/power surges are so bad at work..that I've had to invest in a small personal battery operated fan. (bought it 3 weeks ago) It takes 2 D cell batteries..I've gone through 6 already. Need I say more?
I refer you back to this post..read it just for the giggles of it, but damnit ol miss mitchell..It's HOT in here!
The Crone of HOT Saddle sores
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