You know..don't read this if you're in a good mood. I WAS in a good mood..was being the key word here.
Let me recap some interesting events for you know from a previous post, Dementor wanted to 'save the marriage cuz we were getting along so well now'..and as most of you know, *I* know it's because most of the bills are nearly paid off (meaning my car) and I'm buying my own EVERYTHING..even as much as half the bills that I can muster at this's all about money. Besides all that, like I said before, we get along now because we don't SEE each other.
Suffice it to say, Dementor has yet to see the light..that this marriage has been done for 6 months or better (I figure as long as I've been sleeping on the sofa!) and there is no going back at this point, too much water under the bridge and all that jazz. We decided months ago that he would leave July these things don't mean the marriage is over and we are currently living as roommates, then I don't know what does!!!
DAMNIT all to hell..does he not know what 'roommates' means?
Perfect example: Last night. Last night we prepared our dinner 'together' so to speak. He grilled the steaks and I got most everything else ready inside the house. I set the table, heated the noodle dish, finished up the salads he had started, opened the wine and poured..he started the salads and got most of them done, and grilled the steaks. THIS is what ROOMMATES do..they work TOGETHER on something right?
Well, herein lies the difference. When dinner was over, he took his plate to the kitchen sink. I made a comment (Ohh silly me) "Gee..I wouldn't have done that..I'd have taken yours too" he replied back "you haven't picked up my plate in months (which is a lie, and moot for the topic) It pissed me off immediately though, because I have picked up his plate, I've washed his dishes, I've picked up after him..all VERY RECENTLY! my anger I said 'Well, fine, you can put yours in the dishwasher then!" and proceeded to put my dishes in the dishwasher and clean up the remainder of the kitchen. I left him, one plate, one bowl, and the tongs he used to flip the steaks to simply put in the dishwasher..did he? NO. Not last night, not this morning, not today. His wine glass is on the counter too, along with his coffee cup from this morning.
I just want to scream!!!!
Does this man not understand what 'roommates' live like?? The answer must be a resounding NO!
Then it dawned on me. The only roommate that I know of that he has ever had (besides one girl/friend roommate that didn't last long....according to him) was his MOTHER!
That's right, you read that correct.
Before we got married (and I do believe this is WHY he decided to get married, I really do) but before we got married, his only roommate was his mother. She moved out about a year or less before we met.
HIS you hear me!!! She lived with him in his apartment for a while, not sure how long, but of course, she did all the cleaning, cooking and cleaning up after his ass. I swear to you, that's the reason he wanted to marry, because he missed the maid service!
Of course, with his mother as a roommate, he never had to do his own dishes, or pick up his own shit (except for a short time before meeting me) SHE did it all. He is clueless as to what ROOMATES do!
He truly expects me to continue being the 'housewife' while I'm working and we are in the process of divorcing! WTF!????
Now, here comes the hard part. This is my house. I have already let some things 'go' simply because I don't think I should have to do them alone, and because if *I* do them..he benefits from it as well, and well..gee..that doesn't sit well with me ya know.
I'll grant you, he has cleaned his own room and bathroom (once in 6 months mind you..ONCE) and he has vacuumed the floor in the main area of the house once or twice and he has emptied the dishwasher once or twice since we called it quits (wow..once or twice in what? 5-6 considerate huh?) And he has taken out the trash and done the dump runs.
Anyway, back to the hard I say something to him..or do I just do the shit and let it go?
If I say something, I risk the 'old dementor' raising his ugly head and throwing a temper tantrum..which I am in no mood to ever see or hear again.
If I don't say anything, then I must 'clean up' his shit until his departure. (which is probably easier then the previously mentioned scenario)..but PISSES ME OFF TO THE BITTER END!
My house has already 'gone to pot' in my book! I can't seem to 'do' any of the things I want to do because of his presence. I know that sounds crazy, but I can't decorate the way I want, till he's gone. I can't arrange the furniture the way I want till his shit is gone. I want to super clean..but I want to super clean to get rid of 'HIM" and I can't do that till after he's gone. my house has already gone to pot and I'm simply waiting for the time alone (permanently) to 'clean it up and rid myself and this house of his 'dementorism" ...I certainly can't rid the house of it till he's gone. Would be a waste of my energy.
Ok...I've decided it's time for another do nothing more then calm my nerves (pissed off ones) and to ask for that guidance again. Something has got to give.
The Crone of Not your mother roommate status
1 comment:
At this point, a GTFO circle might be in order.
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