Well here it is, hump day 4 weeks in at the local sweat shop. The job itself isn't so bad really..the pay sucks and what sucks even more is my supervisor Atilla the hun! She's a mean spiteful hateful amazon of a women who would rather scream at you then take her time to teach you anything! Ok..it's unfair for me to call her Atilla..Atilla was mean and hateful too, but he was by a long shot no amazon..he was short and stocky. (and probably much better looking!)
Anyway..I promised myself I'd give this job 4 weeks..and that's coming down to the wire. Grant you, there is nothing at this point I can do other wise, as no jobs have become available in this area yet. I am hoping something comes from the Aerospace place due to open up here this year ..my resume' is already in. And as I've said before, my current 7.50 and hour is better then NO.50 an hour..so I'm stuck still. I do have full intentions of asking (come Friday) what my chances are of being hired on. (on Atilla's team no less) because then and only then, will my pay increase to about 10$ an hour. <--That..I can deal with.
The company has the option of hiring me on as a permanent employee after 30 days.
(grant you..I'm not sure if that's 30 days of work, or 30 days of time passed...either way..I'll be asking for someone to give me some 'indications' come Friday..hell or high water!)
On the home front..well, it's almost more then I even want to write about. Let's just say Dementor is sick. (ill I mean) with some sort of cold/chest thingy. I guess it's going around and I just want him to keep it to himself. He pulled a little bit of a temper tantrum for 3 days straight in a row when he realized my kids and grands would be coming in for Sunday dinner..and on that day..he hid in his room all day. Did not even peek his head out to say hello to the grands...sad sad thing for him. He stayed humped up in the bed with his sickness..and quite honestly, I was glad of it.
For several reasons.
One: He don't need to spread his germs to the grands or anyone else for that matter.
Two: The faster the Grands 'forget' him..the better...and they didn't even realize he was here nor did they ask about him, so much the better if you ask me.
As soon as my Sunday festivities were over, come Monday morning, Mr. Wonderful emerged again.
The really sad part about all this is...he thinks.truly here..he thinks I don't know the game he's playing. He THINKS I don't 'see' his shenanigans. Ohh but trust me...I see them. Very clearly do I see them.
I mentioned to him a while back that he should consider buying a 'camper' type house..that way no matter what, he could take his home with him.
(secret here..I already KNEW he was looking at them..used to buy..I have computer savvy..) but and here's the funny part.
He said to me (in a very rough tone, almost accusing me of being 'crazy'.) "I AIN'T buying no camper!"
Ok..I said, and went on about my merry way, with the secret knowledge I had tucked away in my brain.
"whatever you say big boy"
Today however, he was looking at them again. He thinks I'm stupid..he really does. Little does he know.
I find it all very funny actually.
He has changed his passwords here and there, and that's all fine and good, I don't really care anymore..<shrug> I just want this over to be honest. I feel like "Walter" ..saying "GIT YUR SHIT AND GET OUT!"
He did go so far as to post something on his facebook..Mind you, we are not friends on facebook..but he is clueless about 'hiding' anything computer wise, especially on Facebook..so I took a gander. His last 'update' was "what do ya'll think of me in Nashville?"
..hahaahha..and you're not there yet?.."GIT YUR SHIT AND GET OUT!"
I say go..and good riddance to ya.
He cares so little for his kids I guess, he's ready to up and jump ship to anywhere..without consideration of visiting them..or where they live. good gawd. He hasn't seen his children in I don't know how long.
Seriously, I think about things now, and he is truly a sad individual..One who has no ties or connections with family because he chooses it. He sends his kids money once in a while thinking that will make him 'super dad' of the year..and you know what? I think the feeling is mutual from his kids. They don't call him often. They don't visit..I think they know.."dad ain't no great shakes' ya know?
Ahh well, enough of the rambling for now I guess. Just wanted to give an update, let everyone know I was still alive and kicking down at the local sweat shop. Dementor is still hanging about..bitching and moaning, par for the course and I just keep.. ignoring it.
Ohh..funny thing..I have a 'hot date' on Friday after work..and I mentioned this to Dementor today..he said to me "ohh who you dating now?" (as if to say I've dated a bunch recently..HUH?)
Anyway..I told him..Tammy and I are going out to lunch after work on Friday since it's an early day (we get off at 11) and we plan on drinking a few 'ritas' ....I smiled real big.
And to think ..not too long ago he said "We don't have ANY friends" (in a sad woe is me voice) I wanted to stop him then and say "No..YOU don't have any friends..I have plenty thank you" but I didn't. I think he got a wee bit jealous of my upcoming 'girls' luncheon date..with 'ritas on the rocks'. Too bad..so sad!
LOL..I'm SUCH a Crone!
The Crone of "Rita's on the Rocks'
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I'm married to SHREK!
Ok, so I bit the bullet. After a week of constant thinking time on my hands at work, I decided it was time to at least 'talk' to dementor bout 'us' and our situation. Yes, I know this was probably not what you would have expected but in my mind I kept thinking..it would be 'wrong' to call off 5 years without at least trying to talk some things through. Almost unfair to the situation as a whole. In my mind, my train of thinking was...this:
" It doesn't seem fair to either one of us to call it quits without at least talking to each other, voicing our issues to try and clear them up, I mean, why shouldn't we talk this through, why should we go about ignoring the issues..maybe if we talked them through we could come to a workable solution at least. Maybe we cold give it a go..for one year..just one. I mean..what if I worked for the next 6 months or so and we paid off everything but the basics, then tried at the marriage for a few months, giving ourselves a full year. With it all paid off and no major expenditures, maybe dementor would find some happiness and we could find some peace with each other..it would only be a year..and hell during that year, I could do what I needed to do and find a good paying job ..and have the time to do it. What did we have to loose?"
With all this in mind, I approached dementor on Saturday.
I asked him a few questions and some why's of the situation. You know, the basics, like 'if we were in such dire straights with money, why did you not come to me, lay it all out for me to 'see' and say 'we really need for you to go to work at least part time till we get over this hump'...at that point, I would have had no problem doing that, but instead..you jabbed and made snarky nasty comments to me and others, instead you were sour and mean to me..why? Why did you do that? I never got an answer..not really. All I got was 'You should have been able to see it"...I knew this conversation was probably not going to amount to much.
I was kinda wrong on that account.
Dementor admitted something I never thought I'd hear.
"I am an unhappy person because that's the way I am. I've never been happy, I always think of things on the worse side. I brood over the what if's and constantly think about the past and the decisions I've made. I can't nor do I want to change that...I'm just an unhappy person and nothing ever makes me happy.
I keep searching for it, but can never find it..there is no happiness for me.
My jobs are no fun anymore..I change jobs and think I'm going to find that happiness and within weeks I'm unhappy and searching again. I dated a women one time who told me, "I would never be happy" and I guess she was right, nothing makes me happy. I've tried, I've tried to pep talk myself into being in a good mood just one day and it never works. Even when I was single I was not happy, but I was happier then I am now. I will always live in the past and I will always brood on things, it's just the way I am. I always think...what if..what if...what if....and nothing is ever fun or good.
I think the happiness was stripped from my body with my first marriage. I would just rather be alone. At least I was 'less' unhappy, still unhappy for sure..but less so. I just want to be alone.
All I could think of was........'unfuckingbelievable'. Then the next thought in my mind was the fairy tales you've heard all your life where there is always one old ogre of a man who is mean and ornery to everyone, chasing them off his land as he hobbles about on his cane, (or shoots them with a gun). His only friend is a dog if he's lucky. He lives alone in a ramble down shack eating bread and broth for dinner and scowling at the world, just waiting for someone to cross his path so he can be mean to them.
And then it dawned on me..............that's exactly ..and I DO mean exactly what he wants, where he's heading AND what he's been like since we married!!
Oh mygawd..I was floored. I lived with SHREK!
(the only thing he's missing is green skin!)
And something else dawned on me. The more you 'give him love' the more he balks back and becomes more distant and horrible and grumpy with you. He did it with me..and he has done it with Maya, (my dog). The more she wants his attention and love, the more he gets nasty with her..the less he wants to touch her, the less he wants to be around her..same thing with me.
He's scared. He's a scared mean ass old man. The closer you get and things begin to 'flow smooth' the less he likes it. The meaner he gets..and the more grumpier he will act. He's scared he WILL be happy. He's not searching for it..he's running from it.
Ohmygawd. Ok, well, all in all, I know where I stand..I know what I have to do and I hope like hell I can accomplish it. Let's just say, now that I know for SURE there is no 'going back' the quicker this gets done the better. All in all done.
Oh..one more thing. Dementor is selling his boat. He has a gentleman that is very interested and is going to be coming down next weekend (sunday) to see it. (I was unaware of this till last night)
In the meantime, my DIL will be down to visit with my granddaughter next weekend too.
Yesterday when I was visiting my daughter and grands, I mentioned this to her and we made plans get together and have dinner next weekend out at 'the farm' as my grands call it.
Dementor over heard me discussing our 'dinner next weekend' on the phone last night. After I get off the phone, he jumps up and says "I hope your dinner is going to be on Saturday, cuz that guy is coming to look at the boat on Sunday. So he's going to be here on Sunday".
I looked dead at the dementor and said "that has nothing to do with me...and makes no difference whatsoever when I have dinner with my kids"
He was stumped, he was taken aback..he was silent. He realized, he could not force anything on me, he could not control anything I did..nor who I had in or out of my house. I think the dementor lost his footing just a little bit.
Because now, he had no control, no say AND was unhappy. Welcome to your choice Shrek!
The Crone of Edge of the Swamp hovel living
" It doesn't seem fair to either one of us to call it quits without at least talking to each other, voicing our issues to try and clear them up, I mean, why shouldn't we talk this through, why should we go about ignoring the issues..maybe if we talked them through we could come to a workable solution at least. Maybe we cold give it a go..for one year..just one. I mean..what if I worked for the next 6 months or so and we paid off everything but the basics, then tried at the marriage for a few months, giving ourselves a full year. With it all paid off and no major expenditures, maybe dementor would find some happiness and we could find some peace with each other..it would only be a year..and hell during that year, I could do what I needed to do and find a good paying job ..and have the time to do it. What did we have to loose?"
With all this in mind, I approached dementor on Saturday.
I asked him a few questions and some why's of the situation. You know, the basics, like 'if we were in such dire straights with money, why did you not come to me, lay it all out for me to 'see' and say 'we really need for you to go to work at least part time till we get over this hump'...at that point, I would have had no problem doing that, but instead..you jabbed and made snarky nasty comments to me and others, instead you were sour and mean to me..why? Why did you do that? I never got an answer..not really. All I got was 'You should have been able to see it"...I knew this conversation was probably not going to amount to much.
I was kinda wrong on that account.
Dementor admitted something I never thought I'd hear.
"I am an unhappy person because that's the way I am. I've never been happy, I always think of things on the worse side. I brood over the what if's and constantly think about the past and the decisions I've made. I can't nor do I want to change that...I'm just an unhappy person and nothing ever makes me happy.
I keep searching for it, but can never find it..there is no happiness for me.
My jobs are no fun anymore..I change jobs and think I'm going to find that happiness and within weeks I'm unhappy and searching again. I dated a women one time who told me, "I would never be happy" and I guess she was right, nothing makes me happy. I've tried, I've tried to pep talk myself into being in a good mood just one day and it never works. Even when I was single I was not happy, but I was happier then I am now. I will always live in the past and I will always brood on things, it's just the way I am. I always think...what if..what if...what if....and nothing is ever fun or good.
I think the happiness was stripped from my body with my first marriage. I would just rather be alone. At least I was 'less' unhappy, still unhappy for sure..but less so. I just want to be alone.
All I could think of was........'unfuckingbelievable'. Then the next thought in my mind was the fairy tales you've heard all your life where there is always one old ogre of a man who is mean and ornery to everyone, chasing them off his land as he hobbles about on his cane, (or shoots them with a gun). His only friend is a dog if he's lucky. He lives alone in a ramble down shack eating bread and broth for dinner and scowling at the world, just waiting for someone to cross his path so he can be mean to them.
And then it dawned on me..............that's exactly ..and I DO mean exactly what he wants, where he's heading AND what he's been like since we married!!
Oh mygawd..I was floored. I lived with SHREK!
(the only thing he's missing is green skin!)
And something else dawned on me. The more you 'give him love' the more he balks back and becomes more distant and horrible and grumpy with you. He did it with me..and he has done it with Maya, (my dog). The more she wants his attention and love, the more he gets nasty with her..the less he wants to touch her, the less he wants to be around her..same thing with me.
He's scared. He's a scared mean ass old man. The closer you get and things begin to 'flow smooth' the less he likes it. The meaner he gets..and the more grumpier he will act. He's scared he WILL be happy. He's not searching for it..he's running from it.
Ohmygawd. Ok, well, all in all, I know where I stand..I know what I have to do and I hope like hell I can accomplish it. Let's just say, now that I know for SURE there is no 'going back' the quicker this gets done the better. All in all done.
Oh..one more thing. Dementor is selling his boat. He has a gentleman that is very interested and is going to be coming down next weekend (sunday) to see it. (I was unaware of this till last night)
In the meantime, my DIL will be down to visit with my granddaughter next weekend too.
Yesterday when I was visiting my daughter and grands, I mentioned this to her and we made plans get together and have dinner next weekend out at 'the farm' as my grands call it.
Dementor over heard me discussing our 'dinner next weekend' on the phone last night. After I get off the phone, he jumps up and says "I hope your dinner is going to be on Saturday, cuz that guy is coming to look at the boat on Sunday. So he's going to be here on Sunday".
I looked dead at the dementor and said "that has nothing to do with me...and makes no difference whatsoever when I have dinner with my kids"
He was stumped, he was taken aback..he was silent. He realized, he could not force anything on me, he could not control anything I did..nor who I had in or out of my house. I think the dementor lost his footing just a little bit.
Because now, he had no control, no say AND was unhappy. Welcome to your choice Shrek!
The Crone of Edge of the Swamp hovel living
Friday, February 10, 2012
Yesterday, I had weak moment. Yep, sure did.
Now you must know that while at work, once I get myself all set up and in my 'zone'..the material just flows and it's a monotonous repetition of steps, one has time to think..of lots of stuff. Yesterday, was one of those 'thinking' days. I kept thinking, "do I really want my marriage to end..he can't be all that bad..maybe I should give it another shot..what if we could sit down and talk this weekend.." and on and on and on.
So arriving home yesterday I still had these thoughts in mind. Dementor was home. He met me at the door, all smiles. We conversed and I even had him sit down at the table with me while he waited for his time to leave. We didn't talk about us..I just let him talk, about his 'work'..and his 'woes' at work and the lack of overtime and on and on and on. (which he does a lot) While I'm sitting there, listening..I'm looking, watching.
Again, I tried to reason with myself and say in my head 'could we make it work'..and I swear to you the more he sat there and ran off at the mouth, the more I was screaming "NOOO!!!!!"
It's just not going to work..seriously. I don't think I even like him anymore. Period. And then I thought about all the other 'man' stuff. I'd have to clean his toilet, wash his clothes, cook his dinner, scratch his back..and the more I thought about these things, the more I watched him talked and listen to his complaints, his sour attitude about life in general, the more my head screamed 'no' and the louder it got.
Much as I don't want to work a full time job, (especially where I'm working now..not enough money) I think I want Dementor around even less.
Sometimes I wonder how in the world we got along in the first place to get as far as we have. I have to admit to myself, I let that happen. I let a lot of things slide and skipped over the bad parts because I thought it would be easier to be married. Easier on life in general. I was wrong. Yep..I buckled in a lot of things.
It dawned on me not too long ago that when we were dating, several things happened that were red flags that I totally ignored. WHY I chose to ignore those things is beyond me..desperation maybe? Who knows, but ignore them I did.
One thing was when we would talk on the phone, it wasn't a 'we' conversation. It was a 'he' conversation. He did all the talking. He talked about very much the same things he talks of now..his work and the complaints of it..no overtime and yadda yadda.
(he even quit a damned good paying job because they wouldn't give him overtime)
He would constantly interrupt me and never really let me 'talk' to him, about much of anything.
And he talked of his past. He lives very much in his past. All the things he used to do, especially his time working for NASA. He brags on that, but he got fired from there because of drugs. So tell me..why would you brag on that? But he does. He lost one hell of a job for the love of a drug. Hmm..red flag..that I ignored.
He's a job hopper. He had changed jobs just before we started dating (two weeks), once within the year we were dating, and again right before we got married. (the last one, due to his plan to move though..so I'll give him that one..but even so..Hmm..red flag.
It's usually a year to a year and a half for each job. We've been married for 5 years this May and in that time, he's switched jobs 3x's. Does this tell you something? It's always the same 'type' of job, but a different place. He's ready to leave the one he's at now..he's searching big time. He hasn't even been there six months! As soon as he secures a job at one place, he starts searching for another! Go figure. He's never happy with any job he gets, never. This is a red flag for me too, because if he can't be satisfied with his job that he goes to everyday, he will not be satisfied with his marriage either, which he deals with everyday.
I so kick myself in the ass for not recognizing these little things and thinking about them on a bigger long term scale. I really do.
Would this marriage work if I gave it my all? I don't think so. I really don't.
Life right now, is a slow series of steps for me. More slowly then I'd like to take, but we all must learn to crawl before we can walk. Right now, I'm crawling again, and it's not easy. I imagine learning to walk will be even harder, but it's something I have to do.
I guess my next step in this crawling through life is securing a decent paying job, because right now..that's not happening. 7.50 an hour will not cut the mustard. So for the next several weeks, I'll do what I can to 'upgrade' a resume, and send it out. I think I'm going to sign up with a temp agency or two to see what they can do as well as heading to job services (locally). I really don't want to travel to another area to work, but I'm afraid I may have to in order to get something with the paycheck I need.
Hell, one has to figure, if you have to travel 50 miles to get a decent paying job, you could afford a different gas saving car right?? Right. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. At least I have a good working car (two for that matter) so, I'm going to go for broke I guess and expand my options. One baby crawl at a time.
The Crone of red flags and baby steps
Now you must know that while at work, once I get myself all set up and in my 'zone'..the material just flows and it's a monotonous repetition of steps, one has time to think..of lots of stuff. Yesterday, was one of those 'thinking' days. I kept thinking, "do I really want my marriage to end..he can't be all that bad..maybe I should give it another shot..what if we could sit down and talk this weekend.." and on and on and on.
So arriving home yesterday I still had these thoughts in mind. Dementor was home. He met me at the door, all smiles. We conversed and I even had him sit down at the table with me while he waited for his time to leave. We didn't talk about us..I just let him talk, about his 'work'..and his 'woes' at work and the lack of overtime and on and on and on. (which he does a lot) While I'm sitting there, listening..I'm looking, watching.
Again, I tried to reason with myself and say in my head 'could we make it work'..and I swear to you the more he sat there and ran off at the mouth, the more I was screaming "NOOO!!!!!"
It's just not going to work..seriously. I don't think I even like him anymore. Period. And then I thought about all the other 'man' stuff. I'd have to clean his toilet, wash his clothes, cook his dinner, scratch his back..and the more I thought about these things, the more I watched him talked and listen to his complaints, his sour attitude about life in general, the more my head screamed 'no' and the louder it got.
Much as I don't want to work a full time job, (especially where I'm working now..not enough money) I think I want Dementor around even less.
Sometimes I wonder how in the world we got along in the first place to get as far as we have. I have to admit to myself, I let that happen. I let a lot of things slide and skipped over the bad parts because I thought it would be easier to be married. Easier on life in general. I was wrong. Yep..I buckled in a lot of things.
It dawned on me not too long ago that when we were dating, several things happened that were red flags that I totally ignored. WHY I chose to ignore those things is beyond me..desperation maybe? Who knows, but ignore them I did.
One thing was when we would talk on the phone, it wasn't a 'we' conversation. It was a 'he' conversation. He did all the talking. He talked about very much the same things he talks of now..his work and the complaints of it..no overtime and yadda yadda.
(he even quit a damned good paying job because they wouldn't give him overtime)
He would constantly interrupt me and never really let me 'talk' to him, about much of anything.
And he talked of his past. He lives very much in his past. All the things he used to do, especially his time working for NASA. He brags on that, but he got fired from there because of drugs. So tell me..why would you brag on that? But he does. He lost one hell of a job for the love of a drug. Hmm..red flag..that I ignored.
He's a job hopper. He had changed jobs just before we started dating (two weeks), once within the year we were dating, and again right before we got married. (the last one, due to his plan to move though..so I'll give him that one..but even so..Hmm..red flag.
It's usually a year to a year and a half for each job. We've been married for 5 years this May and in that time, he's switched jobs 3x's. Does this tell you something? It's always the same 'type' of job, but a different place. He's ready to leave the one he's at now..he's searching big time. He hasn't even been there six months! As soon as he secures a job at one place, he starts searching for another! Go figure. He's never happy with any job he gets, never. This is a red flag for me too, because if he can't be satisfied with his job that he goes to everyday, he will not be satisfied with his marriage either, which he deals with everyday.
I so kick myself in the ass for not recognizing these little things and thinking about them on a bigger long term scale. I really do.
Would this marriage work if I gave it my all? I don't think so. I really don't.
Life right now, is a slow series of steps for me. More slowly then I'd like to take, but we all must learn to crawl before we can walk. Right now, I'm crawling again, and it's not easy. I imagine learning to walk will be even harder, but it's something I have to do.
I guess my next step in this crawling through life is securing a decent paying job, because right now..that's not happening. 7.50 an hour will not cut the mustard. So for the next several weeks, I'll do what I can to 'upgrade' a resume, and send it out. I think I'm going to sign up with a temp agency or two to see what they can do as well as heading to job services (locally). I really don't want to travel to another area to work, but I'm afraid I may have to in order to get something with the paycheck I need.
Hell, one has to figure, if you have to travel 50 miles to get a decent paying job, you could afford a different gas saving car right?? Right. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. At least I have a good working car (two for that matter) so, I'm going to go for broke I guess and expand my options. One baby crawl at a time.
The Crone of red flags and baby steps
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Not what it's cracked up to be
Yep..not what it's cracked up to be..that's for sure.
Let me lay out some things I learned or heard via the grapevine today at the pits of hell job. First, know this..I'm on a 'temp' standing with the possibility of permanent hire after 90 days.
(key word there..possibility)
Two days ago, I spoke with another temp..she's been there well over 4 months and has not been offered a permanent position yet, she asks her supervisor, the supervisor says go to HR ....HR says go to the supervisor...and back and forth she goes..so she's getting the run around on hire and is still only making 7.50 an hour.
I learned today that they have not hired a 'temp' as a permanent hire for over a year. Not because there aren't any, but they haven't offered them a permanent position. If the temps stays...great, they only make 7.50 an hour or they get 'released' from their temp duty.
I learned today that one temp who came on a year ago finally got hired after she was there 4 months, because someone else quit and she let me know, that's what it takes to get 'on' at this place. This is not a good thing, because everyone I've ever talked to has been there for years and years..and I mean ..years.
(like 12, 17 and 20..I know..I've asked!)
I learned today the team I'm on, doesn't have an openings or positions available. I spoke with the last temp hired..(over a year ago) and she is on that team. They have nine on their team, that's all they have room for. Even if I did 'cut the mustard at this job, there is no position for me.
I learned today that if I get 'hired' on, I'd probably switch teams because the current top paying team doesn't need anyone, so I would not make 'top pay'...my max would probably be about 8.50 an hour.
One supervisor even told me .."Don't ever expect 9.99$ an hour..it'll never happen"...this was not good news for me.
Nor was any of the rest of it for that matter. I didn't like what I was hearing..at all.
I also learned that no one in the plant likes the temps, supposedly, they loose money when they bring in temps. Don't ask me how..I have no idea.
Needless to say, this job is not at all what they made it appear. Lies have been told to me, from the front office and elsewhere. I am not appreciative of this at all. To top it all off, my supervisor today called me a liar. She did have to come back and apologies, but the fact that she did it made me look at my car with escape in mind during the lunch break. I seriously thought about it..for sure.
Suffice it to say, on Friday I have to meet Dementor at H&R block to do our taxes. Right after that, I'll be heading to job services. ASAP. Oh yeah..ASAP.
On a more pissed off note. I'm so tired of Dementor thinking he knows what's best for me and my stuff. I walked outside tonight in the cold, nearly naked to get something from my car. I get there to discover my car was locked. Did I lock it? No..Did Dementor? well who else? This is two nights in a row that I've had to go to my car for something only to find myself outside nearly naked yanking on the door handle to no avail..having to come back inside to get keys to unlock MY car, that I left UNLOCKED when I got home...GRRRRRRRRRR!
Today..was not a good day.
The Crone of Naked Yard Hopping,
Let me lay out some things I learned or heard via the grapevine today at the pits of hell job. First, know this..I'm on a 'temp' standing with the possibility of permanent hire after 90 days.
(key word there..possibility)
Two days ago, I spoke with another temp..she's been there well over 4 months and has not been offered a permanent position yet, she asks her supervisor, the supervisor says go to HR ....HR says go to the supervisor...and back and forth she goes..so she's getting the run around on hire and is still only making 7.50 an hour.
I learned today that they have not hired a 'temp' as a permanent hire for over a year. Not because there aren't any, but they haven't offered them a permanent position. If the temps stays...great, they only make 7.50 an hour or they get 'released' from their temp duty.
I learned today that one temp who came on a year ago finally got hired after she was there 4 months, because someone else quit and she let me know, that's what it takes to get 'on' at this place. This is not a good thing, because everyone I've ever talked to has been there for years and years..and I mean ..years.
(like 12, 17 and 20..I know..I've asked!)
I learned today the team I'm on, doesn't have an openings or positions available. I spoke with the last temp hired..(over a year ago) and she is on that team. They have nine on their team, that's all they have room for. Even if I did 'cut the mustard at this job, there is no position for me.
I learned today that if I get 'hired' on, I'd probably switch teams because the current top paying team doesn't need anyone, so I would not make 'top pay'...my max would probably be about 8.50 an hour.
One supervisor even told me .."Don't ever expect 9.99$ an hour..it'll never happen"...this was not good news for me.
Nor was any of the rest of it for that matter. I didn't like what I was hearing..at all.
I also learned that no one in the plant likes the temps, supposedly, they loose money when they bring in temps. Don't ask me how..I have no idea.
Needless to say, this job is not at all what they made it appear. Lies have been told to me, from the front office and elsewhere. I am not appreciative of this at all. To top it all off, my supervisor today called me a liar. She did have to come back and apologies, but the fact that she did it made me look at my car with escape in mind during the lunch break. I seriously thought about it..for sure.
Suffice it to say, on Friday I have to meet Dementor at H&R block to do our taxes. Right after that, I'll be heading to job services. ASAP. Oh yeah..ASAP.
On a more pissed off note. I'm so tired of Dementor thinking he knows what's best for me and my stuff. I walked outside tonight in the cold, nearly naked to get something from my car. I get there to discover my car was locked. Did I lock it? No..Did Dementor? well who else? This is two nights in a row that I've had to go to my car for something only to find myself outside nearly naked yanking on the door handle to no avail..having to come back inside to get keys to unlock MY car, that I left UNLOCKED when I got home...GRRRRRRRRRR!
Today..was not a good day.
The Crone of Naked Yard Hopping,
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Fighting Irish
Having made the decision to cancel my marriage and take life on my own, I find I have lots of thoughts as to the remainder of my years. I know that may sound morbid, but each day I've gone to work I've had to ask myself, 'is this sacrifice' worth being happy and alone? You may wonder what sacrifice I speak of..so I'll tell you.
For most of my life I have been a 'stay at home mom and wife'. I love being home. I love cooking and cleaning, gardening and canning. I loved raising my babies, I love being domestic and crafty. I love creating something from nothing. The ability to 'contribute' from inside the home as apposed to outside of it. This is my sacrifice. The freedom of the 'domestic goddess' in exchange for the 40+ hr work week. I will miss it.
(I've done my share of work outside the home, at one time I was holding down three outside jobs and one in home job. It had to be done, and I did it.)
The decision to 'go back into the work force' is not one that I relish. It looses some of it's shine when you realize you'll be doing this every day (at least 4-5 days a week) for the remainder of your time here on earth. I think to myself sometimes, I'll probably keel over in front of the sewing machine at work! How horrible. So ..is it worth it..is this decision worth the daily grind, day in, day out?
Some days, I have my doubts.
The bottom line is...do I want to go life alone, without a partner/marriage? And why would I want to go it alone.
This leads to a multitude of questions..like..is my current marriage a partnership?
Is my current marriage happy?
Is my current marriage calm and peaceful?
Once I answered No to these questions, I guess the decision of 'going it alone' was pretty much answered for me.
Now..the whys.
I cannot make Dementor happy and I am tired of trying.
My goals and Dementors goals in life are not the same, and never will be.
I treasure family and being near them, a part of them, Dementor does not.
I do deserve some modicum of respect and not someone who goes into fits of rage over the smallest of issues. I deserve more. Period.
So it all comes down to, I can only make myself happy, not someone else and respect starts here. I deserve nothing less and should expect nothing less from a partner in life.
I wont get these things with Dementor. That, I am sure of.
Yes...I'd rather be alone then to take the bull I've taken from my marriage.
It's just all kind of odd, in order to be 'happier'..I have to sacrifice the love of my life..my domesticity. In order to do that, I must move into the 40 hr. work week, which does not necessarily make me happy. To get one, you have to give up the other.
Odd..isn't it?
Maybe it's just that this job is not one I 'dreamed' of thats for sure. Maybe it's just the very thought of having to deal with this job every day for gawd only knows how long.
Then...a wee bit o' the Irish in me comes out and the fight takes hold. No matter what (or where I was), if I go life alone, I'll have to work the 40. This is merely a stepping stone to something better and I have to keep that thought in mind. What's better and around the corner? I don't know yet, but I'm sure there is something. Life will be very hard for sure, but I am no less then any other man (or women) out there who does it every day. C'mon my fighting Irish side, stick with me.
It's a daunting task, but one I think I'll make.
The Crone of 40+
For most of my life I have been a 'stay at home mom and wife'. I love being home. I love cooking and cleaning, gardening and canning. I loved raising my babies, I love being domestic and crafty. I love creating something from nothing. The ability to 'contribute' from inside the home as apposed to outside of it. This is my sacrifice. The freedom of the 'domestic goddess' in exchange for the 40+ hr work week. I will miss it.
(I've done my share of work outside the home, at one time I was holding down three outside jobs and one in home job. It had to be done, and I did it.)
The decision to 'go back into the work force' is not one that I relish. It looses some of it's shine when you realize you'll be doing this every day (at least 4-5 days a week) for the remainder of your time here on earth. I think to myself sometimes, I'll probably keel over in front of the sewing machine at work! How horrible. So ..is it worth it..is this decision worth the daily grind, day in, day out?
Some days, I have my doubts.
The bottom line is...do I want to go life alone, without a partner/marriage? And why would I want to go it alone.
This leads to a multitude of questions..like..is my current marriage a partnership?
Is my current marriage happy?
Is my current marriage calm and peaceful?
Once I answered No to these questions, I guess the decision of 'going it alone' was pretty much answered for me.
Now..the whys.
I cannot make Dementor happy and I am tired of trying.
My goals and Dementors goals in life are not the same, and never will be.
I treasure family and being near them, a part of them, Dementor does not.
I do deserve some modicum of respect and not someone who goes into fits of rage over the smallest of issues. I deserve more. Period.
So it all comes down to, I can only make myself happy, not someone else and respect starts here. I deserve nothing less and should expect nothing less from a partner in life.
I wont get these things with Dementor. That, I am sure of.
Yes...I'd rather be alone then to take the bull I've taken from my marriage.
It's just all kind of odd, in order to be 'happier'..I have to sacrifice the love of my life..my domesticity. In order to do that, I must move into the 40 hr. work week, which does not necessarily make me happy. To get one, you have to give up the other.
Odd..isn't it?
Maybe it's just that this job is not one I 'dreamed' of thats for sure. Maybe it's just the very thought of having to deal with this job every day for gawd only knows how long.
Then...a wee bit o' the Irish in me comes out and the fight takes hold. No matter what (or where I was), if I go life alone, I'll have to work the 40. This is merely a stepping stone to something better and I have to keep that thought in mind. What's better and around the corner? I don't know yet, but I'm sure there is something. Life will be very hard for sure, but I am no less then any other man (or women) out there who does it every day. C'mon my fighting Irish side, stick with me.
It's a daunting task, but one I think I'll make.
The Crone of 40+
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Primordial Cooking pot
It's not fun to dream in argument. That's what I did last night...argued in my sleep.Sounds odd doesn't it?
I woke up..irritated and confused. In my dreams I was arguing with everyone. People were TRYING to make me mad..everyone was 'at me', it seemed. Now ..I wonder why that was? Seriously, why would I dream I was arguing with everyone? Why was I dreaming everyone was being an ass to me? Could it have something to do with the chaos in my life? The new job? The boss at the new job? The Dementor? I'm sure all of these things play a role in the dream of arguments. I didn't like it.
Dementor was Mr. Wonderful again yesterday, matter of fact, he has been all week and weekend, until last night. He wasn't as pleasant as he had been. He seemed sullen and ..pissy. We didn't really speak so I didn't have to endure his 'pissyness' too much, but for hours he sat at the computer just plinking away. What he was doing I know not, but it seemed that took his mood from 'decent' to.......cranky.
Now, this probably did nothing to help those dreams of course, but since we spoke so little to each other last night, I'm doubtful that weighed in too much on my dreams.
I want to chat about men today. Not 'mine' in particular, but men in general. I've done a post like this once before, but the phrase "fartability' in my last post brought it to my attention again.
I think it comes from the fact that I have discovered, I really really do not like the male species. I just don't. Now, does this have to do with age? Cronism? Menopause? or just the fact that all men have somehow 'fucked with me', in one way or another? Maybe all of the above.
Either way, I truly dislike men. Men are disgusting animals
(I can't call men pigs, it would disrespect the pig)
I want you to think about this for a moment. Go to youtube and look up 'lighting' farts. I bet you dollars to doughnuts all the videos you find of the idiots lighting their farts are MALE!
WHY in the world do they find this humorous? I don't get it. What is in their little brain that takes them to that level of childish antics? That level of disgust?
On the topic of 'farts' they talk about "hang time" and judge people on their ability to fart and have the odor stick around! They think it's great to 'fart' loud and to fart smelly ass clouds of nose burning gas. They will 'let one rip' and laugh maniacally because they 'dropped' it right in front of you before you walked through it! They take great pleasure in this!! WHY?? Is this all they can amount to..'fart bombs'??
Let's stick with body functions for just a moment more. Gross I know, but..it's part of a mans make up I swear. They will go to the bathroom, sit there for the duration while they lower the boom on the toilet. I've known a few who can plug a toilet up..and think it's great. WTH? They emerge from the bathroom bragging on the size of it..or the longevity of it or the odor, telling you 'steer clear of the bathroom unless you want to know what they had for dinner the night before. WHY?? Braggin on 'shit' takes the disgust of men to a new level.
Why do men eat till they are about to burst..then fall back and brag on how "stuffed' they are and then comment about what they are going to deposit in the toilet later. Does their brain only function on such a base level that their entire thought process is about body functions or sex??
They'll do the same when they blow their nose! Gawd forbid they blow their nose and it's a 'big' one, cuz they'll SHOW you! Yep. they'll make it a point to hold out the tissue (if you are lucky enough to have one who will even use a tissue) open it up and show you the snot..WHAT possesses men to do this? WHY do they assume we want to see this..and why do they get their jollies off on it?? I just don't understand this concept! And of course, then you have those that will simply plug up one side of their nose with a finger lean forward just a tad and blow the other nostril out like Old Faithful in HOPES of getting it to 'go the distance'...'let's see how far I can make this booger fly'..is the mentality they have!!! I will never understand this competitiveness with body functions. I just won't. Nasty.
Men will do everything in their power to make you think they have a big dick. WHY? Why do they think we have to have a big one? Matter of fact, why do they think we have to have one at all? Have women perpetuated this horrible horrible thought in their head? Men will do whatever it takes so you can 'SEE" it too? Why do I want to see the one eyed worm?? I DON'T! I've never been one for pornography..seriously. I do not find a willy of any size all that attractive! It certainly doesn't make me swoon or get weak in the knees like most men do when they see an ass walking by! And speaking of ass..what is with men and their desire to 'go in' somewhere that only 'stuff comes out of'...............WTH? Ass sex..not my cup of tea, but boy howdy, men seem to love it! I cannot understand why anyone would want to put their dick up someones poopshoot! Who thought of this shit?? (no pun intended)
Boobs..can someone explain to me why men have such a fascination with titties? What purpose do they serve? I mean...in reality, they feed babies, that's all they are for. Milk producing bubbles of nourishment..that's it. Since when did men think they were for them...that the breast was a toy for them to play with?? What made this happen? I don't get it. I just fail to understand the concept of that type of....desire. And the bigger the better in their minds. WHY? Just ..why?
All of life for them is a competition. A competition against their own species. Male and Female. They compete with men, and assume they are smarter then the female. Always. They assume they must be the stronger, wiser and more knowledgeable of anyone else around them, especially if it's female. Yes, we may have crawled out of some primordial sludge at some point, but I think men only crawled so far..leaving way too much 'sludge' in their make up. I'm sure of it.
Their life is based on how big they can shit, how smelly they can fart, how many women they can lay and who they can beat at any sport on the planet. (and that includes 'brain' sports) Have you ever really really thought about men this way?
Well do. Start today....and then simply start watching.
They will smooth talk a women on the outside, but the only reason behind it is to get on her inside. PERIOD. Then once they have her, they will treat her like they treat everything else in life..a joke..a 'let's see how far I can get with this one' attitude. The competition is on. They think of nothing else. They are for the most part, crude, rude and socially unacceptable forms of human flesh.
I've watched..become a watcher of people and you will discover more then you may want to know.
Men are a piece of unfinished work..they need lots more work. It's that simple. Men need to finish crawling out of the sludge and women need to stop catering to them until they do. Period.
I think I hate men.
Take this post for what it is worth. You don't have to agree with it or take it too seriously, that is up to you. But all in all, you will have to admit, the things I wrote about above..are true. Men..DO drop fart bombs and think it's funny, men DO comment and brag on the size and smell of their shit, men DO want to fuck up the ass, men DO play with tits like they are toys (in which they are not) men do blow snot from their nose and not always into a tissue and men do let their lives be lead around by the one eyed worm. Show me one who hasn't done some or all of the above items, and I'll show you a gay man....and I've only skimmed the surface.
I didn't EVEN mention ball scratching, finger sniffing, belching, lying, beer guzzling, cat calling, ass leering, snoring, sleeping, fist fighting, notch bragging, butt rutting or testosterone toting just to name a few!
Yeah...Men need to crawl back into the sludge and cook a little longer..they were not ready to emerge.
The Crone of Sludge Brewing
I woke up..irritated and confused. In my dreams I was arguing with everyone. People were TRYING to make me mad..everyone was 'at me', it seemed. Now ..I wonder why that was? Seriously, why would I dream I was arguing with everyone? Why was I dreaming everyone was being an ass to me? Could it have something to do with the chaos in my life? The new job? The boss at the new job? The Dementor? I'm sure all of these things play a role in the dream of arguments. I didn't like it.
Dementor was Mr. Wonderful again yesterday, matter of fact, he has been all week and weekend, until last night. He wasn't as pleasant as he had been. He seemed sullen and ..pissy. We didn't really speak so I didn't have to endure his 'pissyness' too much, but for hours he sat at the computer just plinking away. What he was doing I know not, but it seemed that took his mood from 'decent' to.......cranky.
Now, this probably did nothing to help those dreams of course, but since we spoke so little to each other last night, I'm doubtful that weighed in too much on my dreams.
I want to chat about men today. Not 'mine' in particular, but men in general. I've done a post like this once before, but the phrase "fartability' in my last post brought it to my attention again.
I think it comes from the fact that I have discovered, I really really do not like the male species. I just don't. Now, does this have to do with age? Cronism? Menopause? or just the fact that all men have somehow 'fucked with me', in one way or another? Maybe all of the above.
Either way, I truly dislike men. Men are disgusting animals
(I can't call men pigs, it would disrespect the pig)
I want you to think about this for a moment. Go to youtube and look up 'lighting' farts. I bet you dollars to doughnuts all the videos you find of the idiots lighting their farts are MALE!
WHY in the world do they find this humorous? I don't get it. What is in their little brain that takes them to that level of childish antics? That level of disgust?
On the topic of 'farts' they talk about "hang time" and judge people on their ability to fart and have the odor stick around! They think it's great to 'fart' loud and to fart smelly ass clouds of nose burning gas. They will 'let one rip' and laugh maniacally because they 'dropped' it right in front of you before you walked through it! They take great pleasure in this!! WHY?? Is this all they can amount to..'fart bombs'??
Let's stick with body functions for just a moment more. Gross I know, but..it's part of a mans make up I swear. They will go to the bathroom, sit there for the duration while they lower the boom on the toilet. I've known a few who can plug a toilet up..and think it's great. WTH? They emerge from the bathroom bragging on the size of it..or the longevity of it or the odor, telling you 'steer clear of the bathroom unless you want to know what they had for dinner the night before. WHY?? Braggin on 'shit' takes the disgust of men to a new level.
Why do men eat till they are about to burst..then fall back and brag on how "stuffed' they are and then comment about what they are going to deposit in the toilet later. Does their brain only function on such a base level that their entire thought process is about body functions or sex??
They'll do the same when they blow their nose! Gawd forbid they blow their nose and it's a 'big' one, cuz they'll SHOW you! Yep. they'll make it a point to hold out the tissue (if you are lucky enough to have one who will even use a tissue) open it up and show you the snot..WHAT possesses men to do this? WHY do they assume we want to see this..and why do they get their jollies off on it?? I just don't understand this concept! And of course, then you have those that will simply plug up one side of their nose with a finger lean forward just a tad and blow the other nostril out like Old Faithful in HOPES of getting it to 'go the distance'...'let's see how far I can make this booger fly'..is the mentality they have!!! I will never understand this competitiveness with body functions. I just won't. Nasty.
Men will do everything in their power to make you think they have a big dick. WHY? Why do they think we have to have a big one? Matter of fact, why do they think we have to have one at all? Have women perpetuated this horrible horrible thought in their head? Men will do whatever it takes so you can 'SEE" it too? Why do I want to see the one eyed worm?? I DON'T! I've never been one for pornography..seriously. I do not find a willy of any size all that attractive! It certainly doesn't make me swoon or get weak in the knees like most men do when they see an ass walking by! And speaking of ass..what is with men and their desire to 'go in' somewhere that only 'stuff comes out of'...............WTH? Ass sex..not my cup of tea, but boy howdy, men seem to love it! I cannot understand why anyone would want to put their dick up someones poopshoot! Who thought of this shit?? (no pun intended)
Boobs..can someone explain to me why men have such a fascination with titties? What purpose do they serve? I mean...in reality, they feed babies, that's all they are for. Milk producing bubbles of nourishment..that's it. Since when did men think they were for them...that the breast was a toy for them to play with?? What made this happen? I don't get it. I just fail to understand the concept of that type of....desire. And the bigger the better in their minds. WHY? Just ..why?
All of life for them is a competition. A competition against their own species. Male and Female. They compete with men, and assume they are smarter then the female. Always. They assume they must be the stronger, wiser and more knowledgeable of anyone else around them, especially if it's female. Yes, we may have crawled out of some primordial sludge at some point, but I think men only crawled so far..leaving way too much 'sludge' in their make up. I'm sure of it.
Their life is based on how big they can shit, how smelly they can fart, how many women they can lay and who they can beat at any sport on the planet. (and that includes 'brain' sports) Have you ever really really thought about men this way?
Well do. Start today....and then simply start watching.
They will smooth talk a women on the outside, but the only reason behind it is to get on her inside. PERIOD. Then once they have her, they will treat her like they treat everything else in life..a joke..a 'let's see how far I can get with this one' attitude. The competition is on. They think of nothing else. They are for the most part, crude, rude and socially unacceptable forms of human flesh.
I've watched..become a watcher of people and you will discover more then you may want to know.
Men are a piece of unfinished work..they need lots more work. It's that simple. Men need to finish crawling out of the sludge and women need to stop catering to them until they do. Period.
I think I hate men.
Take this post for what it is worth. You don't have to agree with it or take it too seriously, that is up to you. But all in all, you will have to admit, the things I wrote about above..are true. Men..DO drop fart bombs and think it's funny, men DO comment and brag on the size and smell of their shit, men DO want to fuck up the ass, men DO play with tits like they are toys (in which they are not) men do blow snot from their nose and not always into a tissue and men do let their lives be lead around by the one eyed worm. Show me one who hasn't done some or all of the above items, and I'll show you a gay man....and I've only skimmed the surface.
I didn't EVEN mention ball scratching, finger sniffing, belching, lying, beer guzzling, cat calling, ass leering, snoring, sleeping, fist fighting, notch bragging, butt rutting or testosterone toting just to name a few!
Yeah...Men need to crawl back into the sludge and cook a little longer..they were not ready to emerge.
The Crone of Sludge Brewing
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I've made it through my first week at the local sweat shop. I found out a few things that I was not pleased about, but on the flip side, Atilla has also not been a supreme bitch to me either. She pretty much leaves me alone. This is a good thing, cuz the one thing that would have made me leave this job ASAP is her. I'm getting rid of my husband for much of the same things she does, so it would not bode well with me if I had to deal with a Dementor at work. NO no no.
Seriously though..Atilla shows me what she wants done and goes about her merry way, leaving me to my own ends. On the other end of the plant though, she's doggin' the shit out of the other new girl. Constantly on her back about this or that. It took figuring Atilla out, (by day two I might add), just what type of person she is and the best way to 'get around her'.
(having dealt with someone very similar to her for the last 5 years of my life, I had a leg up in the situation)
The secret? Silence. When she approaches, don't try to ask questions, don't try to explain why you may or may not be doing something wrong or right. Simply let her approach, do her bitching/telling, reply with "Yes' Ma'am" and leave it at that. That's what I've done and I've been left in peace. It helps too, that the product I'm putting out is pretty decent. Matter of fact, Atilla checked my stuff yesterday morning and gave me a compliment. Again, I bout hit the floor. It's all good. She's pleased with me I believe.
(Only because I let her have her way..stay silent so that she 'the queen' can rule, she is very much like Dementor..she is boss and that's all there is to it..what she says goes, no matter if you do or do not have an opinion..it does not count. Period.)
Now the bad thing I found out this week.. I'm only making minimum wage while under 'temp' status. This majorly sucks..I was hoping it would be better then that, but alas, $7.50 is all there is to it until I am hired on as a permanent employee. This could be as early as 4 weeks or as late as 90 days (or never), but it's going to reek havoc with my bill situation that's for sure. It's something I'll have to deal with, as I have no choice. I will say working only a 4 hour day on Friday's is nice. Then knowing you have the whole weekend leaves a perk to this job that almost makes it worth keeping.
I have made up my mind though, that I'm going to give it 4 weeks. If I'm not hired on at the end of those 4 weeks, on my next Friday afternoon off (which is every Friday) I'll be heading to job services. I cannot go 90 days on minimum wage.
Most of my week this week has been very much like I've been living alone, what with Dementor's new 'night time schedule'. We've been like to ships passing in the night for the most part. The first 2 days he arrived home 1/2 hour before I left and left 1 hour after I got home in the afternoons. Two days he didnt' make it home before I left, and one day he was gone before I got home. Those days were nice.
It's different for sure, but I think I'm in love with being alone.
(I can fart if I want to and not worry about someone asking me what I ate or making comments on my 'fartability'!)
Another perk of being alone.. if it's just me using dishes, I can load my dishwasher all week long and run it once a week.How cool is that?!
The biggest issue I have now is...how to get a bale of hay to the house without a truck. I use hay in the chicken coup and I'm not sure if one will fit in the trunk of Lil' Red. Hmmm I may have to experiment with this.
Ohh..and Mother Nature is at her devilment again this week. Good gawd, I so thought I was done with Aunt Flo's visits, but alas, she has knocked upon my door this week. GRRRRR!!
So, I'm off to enjoy my weekend time off..clean house and put plastic on windows!
Till next time Sista's!
The Crone of Minimum Wage
Seriously though..Atilla shows me what she wants done and goes about her merry way, leaving me to my own ends. On the other end of the plant though, she's doggin' the shit out of the other new girl. Constantly on her back about this or that. It took figuring Atilla out, (by day two I might add), just what type of person she is and the best way to 'get around her'.
(having dealt with someone very similar to her for the last 5 years of my life, I had a leg up in the situation)
The secret? Silence. When she approaches, don't try to ask questions, don't try to explain why you may or may not be doing something wrong or right. Simply let her approach, do her bitching/telling, reply with "Yes' Ma'am" and leave it at that. That's what I've done and I've been left in peace. It helps too, that the product I'm putting out is pretty decent. Matter of fact, Atilla checked my stuff yesterday morning and gave me a compliment. Again, I bout hit the floor. It's all good. She's pleased with me I believe.
(Only because I let her have her way..stay silent so that she 'the queen' can rule, she is very much like Dementor..she is boss and that's all there is to it..what she says goes, no matter if you do or do not have an opinion..it does not count. Period.)
Now the bad thing I found out this week.. I'm only making minimum wage while under 'temp' status. This majorly sucks..I was hoping it would be better then that, but alas, $7.50 is all there is to it until I am hired on as a permanent employee. This could be as early as 4 weeks or as late as 90 days (or never), but it's going to reek havoc with my bill situation that's for sure. It's something I'll have to deal with, as I have no choice. I will say working only a 4 hour day on Friday's is nice. Then knowing you have the whole weekend leaves a perk to this job that almost makes it worth keeping.
I have made up my mind though, that I'm going to give it 4 weeks. If I'm not hired on at the end of those 4 weeks, on my next Friday afternoon off (which is every Friday) I'll be heading to job services. I cannot go 90 days on minimum wage.
Most of my week this week has been very much like I've been living alone, what with Dementor's new 'night time schedule'. We've been like to ships passing in the night for the most part. The first 2 days he arrived home 1/2 hour before I left and left 1 hour after I got home in the afternoons. Two days he didnt' make it home before I left, and one day he was gone before I got home. Those days were nice.
It's different for sure, but I think I'm in love with being alone.
(I can fart if I want to and not worry about someone asking me what I ate or making comments on my 'fartability'!)
Another perk of being alone.. if it's just me using dishes, I can load my dishwasher all week long and run it once a week.How cool is that?!
The biggest issue I have now is...how to get a bale of hay to the house without a truck. I use hay in the chicken coup and I'm not sure if one will fit in the trunk of Lil' Red. Hmmm I may have to experiment with this.
Ohh..and Mother Nature is at her devilment again this week. Good gawd, I so thought I was done with Aunt Flo's visits, but alas, she has knocked upon my door this week. GRRRRR!!
So, I'm off to enjoy my weekend time off..clean house and put plastic on windows!
Till next time Sista's!
The Crone of Minimum Wage
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Flags and sore fingers
Good Morning Sister Crones!!
Well, today is day three at my new job. Yep, have obtained a job and I work for Atilla the hun in drag! I swear.
I'm sewing flags..yep, flags. It's similar to the sweat shops you see on the movies, but not quite as bad.
It's ok so far, really. I joke when I say it's a sweat shop, it's not like that honestly. But, I do not joke when I tell you I work for Atilla the hun. She's a german women and is very very harsh and brash. Everyone in the plant calls her 'the bitch'...I just say Atilla!
My fingers are sore, typing hurts. It's not a job for the weak at heart especially when dealing with Atilla, but it's a job. I did find out overtime will be available to me soon, and I'll probably do a day or two a month, we'll see how that goes, but the extra money will come in ubber handy!
On the home front, Dementor is still wearing the veil of Mr. Wonderful. He has switched to night shift and leaves out about 45 minutes after I get home in the evenings, and gets home in the morning about 10 minutes before I leave. It's almost like I'm living alone..and I'm LOVING IT!
Here's what 'Mr. Wonderful has done in the last two days: Yesterday when he came home from work, he came inside, asked me for my keys and went outside to start my car for me (to heat it up, and defrost the windows)..it was 28 degrees. Awww..how sweet huh?
When I got home from work last night, he had bacon made so that I could have a BLT for dinner if I chose to do so . Awwwww...how sweet huh?
He cleaned house yesterday, he vacuumed, picked up and did his own dishes (minus the pan he used to make grits in yesterday afternoon..it still had grits in it for my dinner if I wanted it). Awwww...how sweet huh?
The first thing he asked me yesterday when I walked in the door "Well, how was your day today?" ..He never bothered to ask me that before. Matter of fact, he very rarely ever bothered to talk to me, and well all I can say is for the last 5 days, I can't get him to shut up! Awwww...how sweet huh?
It's amazing the transformation I tell you! Simply amazing!
(be it known..I can still see through the 'pseudo mr nice')
Ok, enough of Mr. Wonderful..it's almost sickening I tell you..sickening.
Now, onto 'weatherizing my house' for my own sake and the electric bill!
I did get all the bulbs changed to the new 'energy saver' type. I got the plastic roll to put over the windows in the far end of the house. I'll probably get to that this Friday or over the weekend. I also acquired power strips for all the 'electronics' and will be hooking those up this weekend. I'm not sure how well that's going to go over for Dementor, cuz he'll have to 'cut them on and off during the day'..but quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass..he's not going to like having to take that 'extra step' just to watch TV or wait for the computer to boot up! TOO BAD!
But..alas, Sista's..it's time for me to hit the shower and prepare for another day at the Sweat Shop with Atilla, so I must run. Everyone..take care and remember..
Life is what you make it, so you might as well make it fun and worth living!
(I'm doing my best to remember this!)
The Crone of Sore Fingers
Well, today is day three at my new job. Yep, have obtained a job and I work for Atilla the hun in drag! I swear.
I'm sewing flags..yep, flags. It's similar to the sweat shops you see on the movies, but not quite as bad.
It's ok so far, really. I joke when I say it's a sweat shop, it's not like that honestly. But, I do not joke when I tell you I work for Atilla the hun. She's a german women and is very very harsh and brash. Everyone in the plant calls her 'the bitch'...I just say Atilla!
My fingers are sore, typing hurts. It's not a job for the weak at heart especially when dealing with Atilla, but it's a job. I did find out overtime will be available to me soon, and I'll probably do a day or two a month, we'll see how that goes, but the extra money will come in ubber handy!
On the home front, Dementor is still wearing the veil of Mr. Wonderful. He has switched to night shift and leaves out about 45 minutes after I get home in the evenings, and gets home in the morning about 10 minutes before I leave. It's almost like I'm living alone..and I'm LOVING IT!
Here's what 'Mr. Wonderful has done in the last two days: Yesterday when he came home from work, he came inside, asked me for my keys and went outside to start my car for me (to heat it up, and defrost the windows)..it was 28 degrees. Awww..how sweet huh?
When I got home from work last night, he had bacon made so that I could have a BLT for dinner if I chose to do so . Awwwww...how sweet huh?
He cleaned house yesterday, he vacuumed, picked up and did his own dishes (minus the pan he used to make grits in yesterday afternoon..it still had grits in it for my dinner if I wanted it). Awwww...how sweet huh?
The first thing he asked me yesterday when I walked in the door "Well, how was your day today?" ..He never bothered to ask me that before. Matter of fact, he very rarely ever bothered to talk to me, and well all I can say is for the last 5 days, I can't get him to shut up! Awwww...how sweet huh?
It's amazing the transformation I tell you! Simply amazing!
(be it known..I can still see through the 'pseudo mr nice')
Ok, enough of Mr. Wonderful..it's almost sickening I tell you..sickening.
Now, onto 'weatherizing my house' for my own sake and the electric bill!
I did get all the bulbs changed to the new 'energy saver' type. I got the plastic roll to put over the windows in the far end of the house. I'll probably get to that this Friday or over the weekend. I also acquired power strips for all the 'electronics' and will be hooking those up this weekend. I'm not sure how well that's going to go over for Dementor, cuz he'll have to 'cut them on and off during the day'..but quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass..he's not going to like having to take that 'extra step' just to watch TV or wait for the computer to boot up! TOO BAD!
But..alas, Sista's..it's time for me to hit the shower and prepare for another day at the Sweat Shop with Atilla, so I must run. Everyone..take care and remember..
Life is what you make it, so you might as well make it fun and worth living!
(I'm doing my best to remember this!)
The Crone of Sore Fingers
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