Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Yo-Yo of Mother Nature

Sistahs!! I'm here to tell you, Mother Nature is a bitch. Oh yes she is.

I had a headache yesterday that was edging on a migraine. All day.
Did you read that?...ALL DAY!
I could not for the life of me get rid of it. I ate meds like candy! NUTTIN! It hurt to move my eyes in my head!
It eased to about 1/2 by the time I laid down on the couch to sleep..which was 9pm.

(good gawd, I'm getting old..who the hell over the age of 13 goes to bed at 9pm?)
Of course, I've never been much of a sleeper. 5 hours and I'm good to go (sometimes 3!)

I woke this morning at 4..(and several times before that I might add) Got up, made coffee, emptied the dishwasher ( as not to wake the snoring monster aka; dementor) and then went to the bathroom.

Well well well, there she was, bold as brass! AUNT FLO!!!! WTH??
Now, I know why the headache.
Now, I have cramps AND a headache.
Why in the hell has my body betrayed me in such a vile manner!??
(8 months no flo...then flo visits for a solid month with a week break in between..wth?)

I repeat, Mother Nature is a bitch.

     Dear Mother Nature: 
     This yo-yo thing is for the damned birds. Either I'm done..or I'm not, but  LORDY, don't make  me suffer 'both maladies' while you make up your mind! 

(However, I already feel better today then I did yesterday! This is a good thing)

Needless to say, what with the major headache yesterday I did not get everything accomplished I wanted to. I did collect many of the Christmas decorations and at least put them in one place..near the storage bins they go in. Maybe today I'll get it packed away. My goal is to have the tree down by Saturday. I really don't want to bring the new year in with anything left over from the old.

(Hmmmm....makes me wonder what to do with Dementor!)

I've never been one to keep a decoration up for long, nor put them up so early that I'm sick of them by the time I take them down.  I don't put my tree up at Thanksgiving, and not on Dec 1 either. Tradition for me has always been up on Dec. 15 and down the day of New Years eve. That's a two week stint..that's enough for me. And no..I'm not a Scrooge by any means. I do the same with Ostara (Easter) and Samhain (Halloween) decorations.

Anyway, there is much in the works for my New Year. Many possibilities, many options to take and many decisions to be made. A lot to think about.
I tried pulling out the cards the other day, I really wanted to read for the upcoming year. Once I pulled them, I had the feeling it was not the right time. They didn't give me the vibe that I know they can when the time is right. So I'm going to opt to write down this pull, but, I'm going to reshuffle and repeat on New Years Eve like I normally do. I think I was trying to push it too soon.

What are your plans for the upcoming year? Changes? Something new? Something old?

In whatever you do, I wish you luck.
May your New Year be a joy to live and a revelation in hope. :)

 The Crone of Yo-Yo's


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!