Here it is, one week before X-mas eve and I'm just getting around to putting up my tree. It's not up yet, but that's the goal for today. Why oh why am I so out of the 'spirit' of things this year?
I cannot say it's been the best of years, nor the easiest. Maybe that's why. Who knows.
I'm sitting here struggling with words to put here. I'm just out of sorts this morning. I have been for a few days.
Lazy has lived with me. Yesterday, I don't think I moved much beyond the couch, nor the day before.
Don't you ever just wonder why and how we get into the moods we get
in? Is it really hormones or something we eat? Maybe in the air we
breathe. Why is that when I am at my worst as far as energy level and
gumption goes is when the Dementor is at his best. Isn't that strange?
Or is that by clever design? His.
I could tell this morning he was a bit on the grumpy side. I'll
know more when he comes home this evening, but it wasn't looking good
this morning.
<shrug> I so don't care. He is at work today,
(overtime for him, he should be ecstatic)
which leaves the whole day open for me to decorate without having to walk around the lump in the recliner. This is a good thing. Mind you, he hasn't been horrible for several weeks it seems. Either something is up....or he's learned that I'm onto him and don't care anymore. Wonder which it is?
Could the X-mas spirit be getting him??
(HA! That's a joke, no way in hell. He associates Yule with money..and well, we all know how he feels about money!)
He starts 'third' shift on the 2nd of January. My life will be re-arranged again.
In a way, I'll be glad.
Now that my crafting/sewing area is at the other end of the house, I can spend my days in there away from the snoring dementor and I'll have the bed to myself each night not having to endure the snoring dementor.
This is a win win situation I think.
(of course, my bed will never be made up. Shrug..I can deal with that)
I'll have visitors next week. My sister and her daughter are coming down for a few days. It's a good thing my house is in decent order. I'd be in panic mode right now if they weren't. Of course, this just gives me another reason to make sure my tree and decorations are up. This is a good thing. I need the push.
I have something to's not pretty. It's downright nasty. But here it is.
Life is unfair.
Yes, yes it is.
The Dementor had a 'check up' via his job the other day. His blood pressure was good, his weight was over, his cholesterol count was GINORMOUS (in the 300's).
(blink blink)
When I met the dementor, his weight was down, his blood pressure was up and his cholesterol was GINORMOUS. (in the 300's).
When I met the weight was normal (126), my blood pressure on the low end (I averaged 80's/60's) my cholesterol was low (111).
(blink blink..good numbers by the way)
(not only that..I did aerobic exercise 2x's a week and did a light weightlifting work out 1x a week)
Then how come *I'm* the one who had the heart attack..and he's still pluggin along with a cholesterol up that high??? I don't get it. I just don't get it.
The Crone of Yule Decorations
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