Dementor sometimes makes life unbearable for me, so I am having to find 'new life' without his input or disturbance.
First was this blog..second was connecting with an old friend (1 of 5) and joining up with her to do things beyond the scope of home and dementor (SCA; camping, medieval recreation, sewing sit-ins, etc)
(it is a help that she lives 2 hours from me..because a visit means total escape for a weekend!)
And finally, coming up from what seems to have been a meltdown and taking the advise of the DIL
(read: 2weeks of depression and feelings of being overwhelmed with everything)........
She gave me the idea of a personal sanctuary to call my own. A place in which I could escape away from the dementor when his presence was just too much.
She was right, what I needed was a space of my own. I thought it was a wonderful idea.
I've had a space of my own before but it was purely for creative endeavors (IE: Crafts/sewing).
The idea for this new space is one of an 'escape space'..somewhere I can go to relax, veg out and be away from the blackness dementor emits. (as well as a crafting's to be a combo area)
A "ME" space. I have been on that trek for many weeks now.
My thoughts on the idea have expanded to not just a 'me' space, but to bring back a 'me' that had dissapeared, as well as a major cleansing & cleaning one room at a time!!!!
(I know what I'd REALLY like to cleanse and purge from it!!)
This cleanse is twofold. It is allowing me to clean each room, like a spring cleaning, and to cleanse the rooms individually of any negativity that others had imparted into them.
That simple idea has lead me into a realm I did not expect.
Over the past weeks as I have been moving things here and cleaning there, I've realized that I may have 'too much stuff'. Not stuff that I don't love and appreciate trust me it's more like..well..this: Sometimes in life when we are missing something in one area, we tend to fill it up in other areas to try and counteract the void. I think I've done that over the last 4 years or so.
Yesterday I started giving some serious thought to new arrangements and current decorations.
(mid furniture move I might add)
We all know how the brain works, one thought will lead to the next and a new idea and that to another and that to another and so goes the train. The next thing you know you've either wasted the whole day or you've had a ephiphany.
Yesterday I had both!
I'm highly considering a more 'minimalist' attitude in my home. Not enough to make it cold and stark and not complete minimalist, just 'somewhat minimalist'. At the same time, I feel I need to rid myself of some of my 'clutter stuff'...(would rather it be dementor..but eh). I want to bring the witchy back into my home.
DIL brought me a book over the weekend about Feng Shui and I've been skimming through it since early this morning. It's funny how the idea of minimalist came to me yesterday and the book seems to key in on just that. Not so much a getting rid of everything, but a basic rule is keep only that which you love.
Don't clutter your house with things that produce bad memories and evoke wrong attitudes.
I did some internet research this morning on Feng Shui as well. Here are the top five key rules in this concept.
- Open your mind and have fun.
- Get clear on your intention.
- Get rid of everything you don’t use or love.
- Clean and organize your home.
- Start making adjustments slowly.
So..onto rule #1
1. Open your mind and have fun.
I will do my best, but I can tell you ..dementor makes a difference. He likes to bitch about things I do, just for the pure pleasure of bitching. Soooo what I will do instead is open my mind and have fun in my 'me space'...and in the rest of the house, reign it in a bit!
2. Get clear on your intention
This one is easy is to bring back the me that I have let die, to bring joy back to my life and house.
(with or without dementor)
To bring back the creativity that seemed to have gotten lost at the same time the real me did. To create a space in which I can escape to in times of need.
To CLEAN more than just dirt!
(and trust me, I fully intend to put an altar and working area for magic in the 'me space')
3. Get rid of everything that you don't use or love.
This one will be an experiment in will power. I have so much I love (very little I don't use), but I will have to be stodgy in my choices of 'love and really love'.
(Does this mean dementor too?? I's part of the rules ..get rid of everything you don't use or love...can I puhlease?!!)
4. Clean and organize your home
Working on it! One room at a time!
5. Make adjustments slowly.
Well, I've been at this for several weeks now..I do have a finish goal date of course, but if I don't finish exactly at that time, I'm not going to panic. I'll deal with it and move along as best I can. There are certain things in life, such as a change of life that one cannot rush. I am not rushing. This must be exact and perfect for me.
FOR ME..did you read that?? FOR ME! not for anyone else, not for the big bad who sleeps in my bed..not for anyone but ME!
I am so starting to gain that 'be damned' if I care what anyone else thinks or says attitude. And ya know what?..this Crone is loving it!
Sometimes in's just time for a change. Yep..time for a change.
In Pagan beliefs, we've already had our new year with Samhain (Halloween). In US/world beliefs..the new year is still to come. Either way..I'm hitting the mark on both ends. I'm doing this between the changeover of years..pagan and non.
Join me in the year of change!
The Crone of Minimalist Changes
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