Saturday, November 26, 2011

The magic broom

Well..if you  read the previous post, I left you hanging with the sweeping.

What you will find in this post, is the magic in a witches broom. It is strong magic and it does work as long as you do it with honest heartfelt sincerity. Let me give you some history.

Many many years ago, I had a visitor. She was here to stay for a week. I didn't want her here. She was an idiot to stay the least. I put up with her for 3 days. (she had 3 more to go) when I had had enough. I wanted her gone gone gone do you hear me..I meant..GONE!

When I was very young, someone told me once (and old crone she was) that if you ever wanted to rid your house of the 'company' or anyone for that matter, that you had to pull out your broom and sweep the dust from their feet back out the door they came in.

Well..needless to say..I did exactly that.
This little spell DOES WORK do you hear me.
So here's what I did.
I got out my broom..and I began sweeping my kitchen. Not missing one inch of floor. As I swept I chanted (silently in my head mind you)
Dust of the floor
Dust from your shoe
In you came and now out with you!

Or you could say:

I sweep the dust of your feet from my door may you quickly follow and be gone!

Easy enough right??
You can make up your own words, either way the point must sweep and the whole time you are sweeping keep in mind that this is dust from his/her shoes and you are removing it from your home just as you want them removed from your home. now, back to my sweeping.
I'm sweeping away and in my head chanting and with great feeling wanting this women out of my house. NOW! Out the door the dirt went (you can't put it in the trash..oh no! You have to sweep it out the door and off the steps ..with a flourish I might add...and great intent!)
I come back into my house..broom in hand and as I'm putting it away..
(I had JUST released the broom from my hand) when this women jumps from the couch and starts gathering her things.
The whole time she's gathering she's saying stuff like:
:I really must go home, I need to go ahead and leave now, yes, I'll go home early. I really must. I've just decided I should go home."
I looked at her with complete understanding..saying "It's ok, I problems' while inside I'm giving off the maniacal crones cackle..oh yes!

Come today. The Dementor is not going fishing??? !!! WHAT???

Ohhh hell no. We'll see about that.
So I grabbed my broom and I began to sweep. The whole time I'm sweeping in my head I'm saying stuff like..I don't need you here today, I want you gone from me today, get out on the boat today, fish the afternoon goes the dust from your goes you!

Before I had finished flinging the dirt off the porch, Dementor was putting on his clothes and packing his lunch cooler.

<insert maniacal crones laughter here>

I have the day to myself. This afternoon I'll be attending my granddaughters 3rd birthday party. ALONE. I know this, because as the dementor was heading out the door I asked "are you planning on being back in time for the party?" His reply
"I wasn't planning on it!"
In my mind as the maniacal crone laughter begins again ..I'm thinking "Yeah..but five minutes ago you weren't planning on going fishing either!"

<insert more maniacal crone laughter>
Ohh the love of a broom.

The Crone of Broom Spells


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!