Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things revisited

A few posts back I mentioned an upcoming camping trip..medieval style. That event has come and gone and I had a blast. Met some new friends, chatted with some old ones and generally enjoyed the hell out of myself. 
It's a cool feeling to know you're responsible for no one but yourself. Really. Very empowering, everyone should try it once in a while. I mean, if I wanted to wander off and check out this thing or that..I could. No one to say "I'm going here or there one to 'seek out' and inform.

( I don't usually 'ASK' permission for anything from anyone, but I do inform others of my intent most days)

During my trip back to the days of Lords and Ladies, Chivalry and War, I met a new friend.
During one of our fireside conversations we hit upon books that we had read and loved.
One of those was the "OutLander" series by Diana Gabaldon. I recommend these books to anyone who has a love of 'time travel' possibilities mixed with the historic middle ages, intrigue and robust, valiant, studly men.

*I think it's time for me to re-read these. Thrift store here I come.

Of course, now that I'm back at the old 'homestead'...things have returned to normal. I'm back to doing dishes, washing clothes and cooking dinner for the Dementor. Matter of fact, there was a small sink full of dishes and a dirty carpet awaiting my care when I arrived home.
Did I think it would be any different?  Weeel..hell yes I did! He usually makes sure things are cleaned up a bit when I return from a jaunt away from prison home, but not so much this time.

The punishments will now begin for this transgression! 30 days in the stocks!! 

(ohh wait..I'm not in the middle ages anymore am I?..hmm too bad)

WAIT!!  I spoke too soon! Maybe I am! My electric just blinked out (luckily I'm on the laptop.)
Could it be Armageddon? Nuclear Holocaust? Or did some drunk fool hit the power line? Either way, when this happens, and the electric comes back on, my internet service flips me the flying fickle finger and says "fuck you" and refuses to work. It never fails. (copy paste add to word) 
You know what this means right? I'll have to climb my fat ass up on a chair, unplug it all, reset it all, plug it back in and hope with my fingers crossed that it will 'reconnect' and catch up..once the electric comes back on.  The last time this happened, took almost 8 hours to get the connection working again..

Living in the country has it's privileges and then there are those days....

So here I sit, me and my laptop, bitching and moaning about no 'net service'..and no electric and I just relived the middle ages...4 days without either and loved it. (not even a cell phone)..wth is wrong with this picture?? 

**The next day:

This morning, after trying for many hours to fix the problem and consistently failing, I made the fateful call to the phone company that provides my DSL service. A few calls later and a tech was on his way. Once he arrived, he wracked his brain for over an hour too. All the inside equipment was replaced.
(The electrical surge had fried the modem.) 
All the lines inside the house were changed as well as the wall connector. Still, it would not work. After a trip or two under the house to replace more lines, he tried once again. Nada.
Rubbing his head in bewilderment about the whole affair the last possible idea to try hit him. Replace the entire line from the box at the corner to the house. A temporary 'drop' down (what they call it) was put in place, and lo and behold, I had net service again.
(hell of an electrical surge is all I can say)
Total time to work on it and find the issue, 3+ hours.

We went to dinner as soon as he was of my favorites. I fear however, that tomorrow, will be one of the Seven Dwarfs Days..(see bottom of page)..yep, I can feel it now, tomorrow will be the 'Bloated Dwarf' day. least he's cute. :)

Till next time,

The Crone of Fickle Fingered Internet


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!