Monday, July 18, 2011

So last night...

If you've read my 'who am I' page, then you know I was ...hmm drowning. I came to realize that I needed to get back to the me who had been so covered in 'other' things so last night when the moon began it's rise I stripped buck naked
(because I was in the midst of a power surge (read; hot flash) 
and began to gather all my witchy supplies. 
I vacuumed the living room floor... yeah yeah, I know.
I really should have done this outside, but it's hot here and mosquitoes love me, so I opted for the carpet.
(I warned you, sometimes I can be lazy.)
I dragged out all my stuff and poured a glass of wine. I went through each and every item, picked out the ones I would need and gave them a good cleaning.  (dusty as hell!)
(sipped wine).
I set up a makeshift altar on the living room floor and turned up the music of choice really loud.
(sipped wine)
I got my chalk and marked my circle. Put my candles in place and began.
(burned the carpet..shrug, oh well shit happens)  

I rededicated each witchy tool to my liking
(sipped wine)
I mixed up some herbs (letting spirit guides lead my hand as to which ones) and put them in my mortar and began meditating on the process at hand.
As I stamped and squished and squeezed and turned the herbs and such in the mortar I asked myself exactly why I was doing this circle.
(sipped wine)

A rededication sure, but what else? Guidance. I was seeking guidance.

This was going to be no small feat.
(cuz this hussy was lost, lost, lost- sipped wine)

Shoot, I could list all the things I needed guiding on but that might take a while. Everything from money to marriage (maybe not) and job to laughter. Instead of listing those things, I simply asked for guidance in my life as a whole.
Lead me where I need to go, present me with what I needed to do and gift me with what the spirits saw fit. (And look! we are! This was the first of the things I was lead to do. This blog. For us old bitches.. witches.)
I sent the request off to the spirits or whoever was listening and meditated for a while on the massiveness of life, sipped wine and closed my circle for the night.

I started this process at 10pm and finished at 12:30am. It was important to me that I spend time thinking and projecting on this. A simple solitary circle for 2 1/2 hours.

Let's see what becomes of this.

The Crone of Guidance Wine

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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!