Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bathing with Venus

Each day since I've done my re-dedication something has come to me that I need to do.
Especially after finishing my little morning blessing thingy. (which is really simple, I light an incense, a candle and give the day over to the spirits so that they may lead me to see what I need to see or do what I need to do)

I don't 'dwell' on it. Just light it all, sprinkle it all with salt as I'm saying "Show me the path I should take today" and I go on about my business then blow out the candle after about 15 mins. Easy enough right?

Ok, so this morning I do my morning altar blessing and start my day.
First things first I had to run downtown to pick up a long awaited and appreciated item (a treadle sewing machine that's been in my family since 1950)

And bless my forgetful little soul, I had turn around after I got about 5 miles from the house and come back home because I left that altar candle burning.

(I swear, menopause makes you forget all kinds of shit! Wish I could forget to eat! :)

Anyway, as soon as I walked back into the house to blow out that candle
(with questions from the Dementor on why I had a candle burning..yeck.) 
A bath came to mind. Yep, a bath.

I have a very large tub, what they call a 'vanity tub' if you will. I USED to regularly take a bubble 'me' meditative bath, bath once a week. That was before Mr. Ebeneezer though. I haven't enjoyed that little ritual in about 3 years.

Ohh..I don't mean I haven't bathed in 3 years!!! I've just been taking showers instead and gave up my little weekly ritual. It's just hard to do when your life seems invaded by a  ....a....dementor!

This told me I haven't 'loved myself' in a long time. Sounds egotistical doesn't it? It's not. Venus is the goddess of love and she demands that you love yourself first. Soooo tonight is a Venus night!

I've got my wine started, open and one glass drank. Now it's time to run the tub with some bubbles, add some rose incense (Venus's scent) and some candles and meditate in the tub for a bit.

At least the candles will be surrounded by water this time..no chance of me forgetting or burning the house down by accident!
ENJOY your evening everyone, I'm off to visit with Venus for a bit. Happy Bubbles!

The Crone of bubbles,

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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!