Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bull in a China shop?

I guess it's time for an update...<sigh>
Things have been..well, they've been.

We've (me and Dementor) have had one big blow up..and *I* was the one that did the blow up..(after he started yelling at me of course, I had had enough) I blew up. I was the 'bull in the china shop that I truly am'..and went on a slinging, breaking, ripping apart,throwing, tearing up rampage...something he had never seen before.
(and something I do very rarely..but when it happens..it's not pretty..no no no)

He went into panic mode..he did not know what to think..really. His eyes got as big as saucers and he was at a total loss for what to do next..his wife was 'wiggin' out..and sister crones..let me tell you. She was.

(When I get THAT mad..it's probably best to just step aside...really)

Needless to say, that argument ended and we haven't had another since.
It all had to do with me working (here we go again). I'm not going to get into it today..just know that the job at Game Stop is/did not work out. I quit. I was not going to be pressured like I was for that little bit of pay. And besides all that..if you've read the last post, then you know..it was not paying me to GO to work. Needless to say...that was not going to happen.
Now, I'm back on the job market again..but on my rules. And they are as follows.
I'll go back to work..when I'm damned good and ready, my house comes first and this place is a mess.
I'm not actively seeking everyday. When something comes along, I'll apply for it.
That something has to be to MY liking, not just because I need a job.
Till something does come along..I'll be clearing out this house for a massive yard sale to happen sometime in June. (that will bring in money too)
I may start selling some paintings on ETSY. Yep..that's what I want..to paint. So..that's what I'm planning on doing till I can find a job (maybe even after). This item, will come with time.

Does Dementor like all this? No. Is he going to deal with it? Yes. If he doesn't..he has the option to leave at any time..he knows this, and I don't care if he does. Let him walk. I'm not going to stress over keeping my house anymore. If the bank wants it..they can have it. The land is mine and paid for, I'll pitch a tent.

There it is..in a nutshell. We are 'keeping on' at this time, trying to deal with things..we'll see how it works.
I'm still in the job market..and when something 'right' comes along..I'll spring for it. Till then..I'm a housewife..which is what I want to be in the first damned place.
I could say..I'm a starving artists..sounds better doesn't it?? LOL..yeah..it does.
So starving artists it is.

Am I being serious about the painting? Yep, sure am.
Current plan is:
For the next 3 weeks, to continue working on my house getting it all together and emptied out readied for the yard sale. 
During that 3 weeks, paint as many items as I can (maybe adding a few small ones to the yard sale)
Yard Sale
Then, 3x's a month hit the local flea markets and farmers markets...painting on site.

Putting a few on etsy and simply rolling from there. I do plan on doing some 'mixed media'..changing things up a bit.
Deal is ..I need to bring in about 400$ a month. I think i can do that with my 'art'..whether it's crafts, quilts, paintings or what nots..we'll see.

But today..I'm off to the thrift store..to see what I can find cheap, and maybe resell for a profit. Everyone else does it..why not me! ::) :)
Till next time..

The Crone of starving artists syndrome


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They ALL live at my house!!

They ALL live at my house!!