Monday, September 17, 2012
"The little things Bob"
Pulling suds out from his hiding corner and giving him a pat on the back. I step soapbox and me..oh yesh!
If you're curious, the above quote is from one of my favorite movies "Phenomenon" ..with John Travolta's true. All of life is 'the little things'.
Sometimes I have to ask myself, why do the little things bother us so much.
I know that the little things in life, bother me more then the big stuff most time. Irritate me more, rile me up hotter and just generally cause me to be pissed off. The little things.
Now..I'm not talking about the little things that happen only once. Maybe twice.
I'm talking about the little things that happen repeatedly...again and again and again.
I heard it once said "insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different result". Well then, I guess to put that in my view from here "Insanity is expecting something different even after 7 years of repeated mistakes."
It's the little things I tell you.
The little things pile up, and make..big irritations. Like:
If you've been getting towels out of the same cabinet, every day for 7 years, you'd think you'd notice at least once, how they were folded. Then, when it was your turn to fold (or you simply did it out of the goodness of your heart), you'd know how to fold them.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO!
To add insult to injury here, you fold them wrong, go to put them away and they won't fit so you do what? Shove them in the cabinet all helter skelter or sit them on the counter for someone else to put away? BOTH..depending on the day.
Let's stick with the bathroom shall we? There are two sinks, his and hers. Daily, without fail she always wipes her out when she's done. He sees her do this. Her sink stays clean. So does the counter around her sink. He does not do this. Day after day, after day he uses the sink, gets water everywhere, leaves soap scum, hair and what not all about...does he wipe it out? Does he clean it at least once a week?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! He waits..and waits and waits, because he knows that eventually she'll have to do it because she can't stand it anymore. <sigh>
Same goes with the toilet. Two bathrooms, she routinely uses the smaller bathroom for her daily toilet habits. She cleans the toilet regularly (nearly daily). He uses the master toilet. Does he clean it?...does he swish it about at least once a week?...wipe the seat? Check the floor area around it?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! He waits..and waits and waits, because he knows that eventually she'll have to do it because she can't stand it anymore. <sigh>
She cleans the desk, it's top is clear, no clutter in sight. Does it stay that way? Not a snowballs chance in hell. WHY? Because it's a flat surface, it's empty, the perfect place to drop his junk. Which he does every day. Stuff he doesn't want to deal with at the time, things that may need to go to the trash but he isn't walking that way. Pile after pile after pile. Does he clean it?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! He waits...and waits, because he knows that eventually she'll have to do it because she can't stand it anymore. <sigh>
Little things I tell you:
Like..the wire bread twist tie..I can't stand it, it's useless once you open the bread, to close simply twist the bag fold it back on itself and put it in the bread box..bread sealed, job completed. Does he do this?
UHHhhhhhhh NO! Instead, he repeatedly puts the little twist tie back on the bread and sits the bread in FRONT of the bread box. WTH?
His bedroom trash can. We both have small trash cans on each side of the bed. His always always always is full ..and it will become 'overflowing' with stuff falling all over the floor before ONE of us picks it up. Even worse is..he'll toss things in the general direction of the trash can, full or not, if he misses does he pick it up? NO!..
The laundry hampers. One has a lid..the one where we put the whites. He can't be bothered to open the lid to toss his stuff IN it..most times it makes it to the TOP of's just far too much of a bother to open the lid! (*note here..this does not always happen..just randomly) The second hamper, no lid. It sits next to the sinks..does he put his clothes IN it? Noo..he slings them over the sides of they hang out..and he'll keep doing this till the pile is as high as the sink counter. I'll think we have a ton of laundry, but lo and behold when I grab the hamper, I realize, the damned thing is empty, all the clothes are laying across the top of it! ARGHHHHHHHHH!
These are just a few..
"It's the little things Bob"
The Crone of 'little things'..
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