Good morning all you silly old crones out there! (or not)
How you ever, had deja vu??
The term deja vu is French, coined by French psychic researcher Emile Boirac. Deja vu literally means 'already seen'. It is sometimes called paramnesia and describes a feeling of having already experienced a situation, event or time.
It seems to be a faint memory, but as it happens you cannot stop it and say what will happen next, because if you did, it would change the future or memory of your deja vu.
I've always had periods of deja vu throughout my entire life. Over the last few months, it's been hitting me again, often.
I do believe it is at least an indicator that something is right, you are where you need to be. It's not so much a faint memory of what has happened, (although I don't discount this) but it is at least a knowledge that someone or something from the other realms.. spirit guides, family spirit, whatever you choose to use is giving you some indication that you are in the place you need to be.
Right now, this is comforting to me. With all the life changes I have created, caused and experienced in the past year, I am happy to know my deja vu is an indication that 'I'm in the right place'.
(Cause sometimes I wonder! )
I was a lazy witch yesterday...wait..for the past two days I was a lazy witch. I mean, I accomplished a few things, but few is the key word here. Instead of working on what I need to work on (Mainly my brothers quilt) I absolutely have avoided it like the plague and played SIMS for the past two days.
Is this bad. So, I'm going to ask you crones out there this question.
Do you feel guilty for doing nothing?? Do you feel guilty for doing what your heart wants for a day or two??
This guilt is something I think that comes from the me who is me and the way I was raised.
All my life I've been a 'busy' person. I very very rarely ever did 'nothing'.
And growing up, with the parents I had, you were not allowed to do "NOTHING" ..we always had chores.
You either helped with the cooking, washed the dishes, cleaned, mowed or something. NEVER were you allowed to sleep in or sit about just taking up space without being productive in one way or another.
** we interrupt this post with an important message...I'll be back to finish this later..must run