Hello my sister crones.
Needless to say, as you can see I have not made a post to this blog in over a month. I wonder why that is?
I have no excuse and don't feel like I need to give one. Sad ain't it?
Ok..now, let me clarify that. For a solid week I was out of town..vacation and a wedding. For one weekend I had company and for a solid week I was rearranging furniture and clearing some rubbish from the house here and there. My craft room, kitchen, living room and dinning room looks fabulous!!
Several weekends have been devoted to the garden and well, the rest of the time, I've probably slept.
Yep, you read that correct, slept. Funny that..I say 'slept' when in all truth, I was TRYING to sleep. Sleep has been as elusive as the golden egg for me lately. For a long time actually.
I have been on such a lazy streak for the past week..(I cannot tell a lie..there has been at least 2 weeks over the past 8 where lazy was my co-joined Siamese twin and she lived on the couch)
I can see the things I need to be doing.., they NEED to be done and I need to get off my dead ass for my own health and personal reasons..sure I can SEE it. I'll be damned if I can motivate myself to do it though. This week has been a bad one.
I may start the week with six guns blaring ready to take on the devil and all his minions and I do so for about 3 hours. Then I think, I'm going to rest for a little bit because I'm tired and then it's 4 days later and I'm still resting. WTH??
There are no excuses of course. I can say the heat has not been something I've wanted to volunteer to be in either though. I look out my window and ask myself 'why are you not out in the garden working?' and then I realize, it's 100+ outside..I'm a fat southern women in the throes of menohell volcanic flashes and I think I should be outside?? who the hell am I kidding?
I hate summer. Wait..let me say that again. I HATE summers in the south.
My sister keeps warning me about the time when I will get cold and not seem to be able to warm up. She says I'll hate it, but honestly, I am so looking forward to it. It means I'll actually be able to go outside and not feel like I'm melting. I'll be able to be that fat southern women wearing her straw hat bent over in her garden. I'll love it. It'll help me stay warm, I can hardly wait. But right now...no fucking way.
That being said since I didn't sleep last night..I'm off to bed. yeah, it's early but I'm tired. When sleep comes to you in 15 minute increments with 30 minutes to 1 hour of waking periods between them....one has no choice but to try and get to sleep early to make up for it the next night.
The Crone of don't give a damn about reasons and excuses,